
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
بررسي كمانش حرارتي ورقهاي كامپوزيتي تقويت شده با نانولوله هاي كربني به روش تحليل ايزوژئومتريك 1396 11 Conference هشتمين كنفرانس ملي سازه و فولاد
تحليل ورقهاي ساندويچي با هسته موجدار با استفاده از روش نوار محدود بر پايه تئوري تغيير شكل برشي مرتبه اول 1396 11 Conference هشتمين كنفرانس ملي سازه و فولاد
تحليل استاتيكي ورق هاي نيمه ضخيم با خواص ناهمسان در ضخامت با استفاده از روش تركيبي نوار محدود و ذره اي هسته ي بازتوليد برمبناي تئوري تغيير شكل برشي مرتبه اول 1396 11 Conference هشتمين كنفرانس ملي سازه و فولاد
تحليل پايداري ورق هاي تقويت شده با استفاده از روش تركيبي هسته بازيافتي مجدد و نوار محدود حبابي 1395 12 Conference هفتمين كنفرانس ملي و دومين كنفرانس بين المللي سازه و فولاد
Thermal buckling of FGM plates based on two variable refined plate theory using bubble finite strip method 1395 09 Conference The 5th International Conference on Composites Characterization Fabrication and Application (CCFA-5)
تحليل كمانش ورق هاي ناهمسان در ضخامت با استفاده از تئوري تصحيح شده دو متغيره ورق به روش نوار محدودحبابي 1395 08 Conference پنجمين كنفرانس ملي و اولين كنفرانس بين المللي مصالح و سازه هاي نوين در مهندسي عمران
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Elastic and inelastic buckling of square and skew FGM plates with cutout resting on elastic foundation using isoparametric spline finite strip method 10.1007/s00707-017-2082-2 1396 10 Journal
Thermal buckling analysis of point-supported laminated composite plates in unilateral contact NULL 1396 10 Journal
Free vibration and buckling analysis of thin plates subjected to high gradients stresses using the combination of finite strip and boundary element methods NULL 1396 10 Journal
Bending Analysis of Moderately Thick Arbitrarily Shaped Plates with Point Supports Using Simple Hp Cloud Method NULL 1396 08 Journal
Elastic and Inelastic Buckling Analysis of Thick Isotropic and Laminated Plates Using Finite Layer Method NULL 1396 06 Journal
Stability analysis of arbitrarily shaped moderately thick viscoelastic plates using LaplaceCarson transformation and a simple hp cloud method 10.1007/s11043-016-9334-8 1396 05 Journal
Buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates based on Two-Variable Refined Plate Theory using the Bubble Finite Strip Method NULL 1396 04 Journal
Buckling of moderately thick arbitrarily shaped plates with intermediate point supports using a simple hp-cloud method NULL 1396 03 Journal
Buckling and free vibration of the FGM thin micro-plate based on the modified strain gradient theory and the spline finite strip method NULL 1395 10 Journal
Geometrically nonlinear analysis of thick orthotropic plates with various geometries using simple HP-cloud method 10.1108/EC-08-2015-0223 1395 04 Journal
Nonlocal buckling and vibration analysis of thick rectangular nanoplates using finite strip method based on refined plate theory NULL 1394 12 Journal
Free Vibration of Plates of Various Shapes with Intermediate Point Supports by the Hp-Cloud Method and Lagrange Multiplier NULL 1394 10 Journal
Stability of thin FGM microplate subjected to mechanical and thermal loading based on the modified couple stress theory and spline finite strip method NULL 1394 08 Journal
Free vibration analysis of stringer stiffened general shells of revolution using a meridional finite strip method NULL 1394 04 Journal