
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Security of FDE against Differential and Linear attacks 1386 07 Conference چهارمين كنفرانس رمز ايران
A Profile-Based Scheme for Location Updating and Paging in Wireless Systems 1386 06 Conference The International Conference on Computer as a tool ( EUROCON2007)
A structure for fast data encryption NULL 1385 11 Journal
Interference Cancellation in CDMA Systems Using Spectral Redundancy NULL 1385 09 Journal
A New Low Latency Forced Handoff Protocol for Wireless Cellular Systems NULL 1385 04 Journal
A New Approach to Interference Mitigation in Multirate DS/SS systems 1384 10 Conference The International Symposium on Wireless Systems and Networks (ISWSN05)
A Dynamic Profile Based Algorithm to Reduce the Location Updating and Paging Cost in Mobile Cellular Networks 1384 10 Conference The International Symposium on Wireless Systems and Networks (ISWSN05)
A Speech Synthesizer for Persian Text Using a Neural Network with a Smooth Ergodic HMM NULL 1384 07 Journal
A Novel Approach to Cell Coverage Area Determination for FDMA---CDMA Systems NULL 1384 06 Journal
روشي جديد در مديريت موقعيت بر مبناي الگوي حركتي كاربر در شبكه هاي سلولي داده 1384 02 Conference سيزدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Application of Smooth Ergodic Hidden Markov Model in Text to Speech Systems NULL 1383 12 Journal
Smooth Ergodic Hideen Markov Model and its applications in text to speech systems 1383 07 Conference IEEE ISIMP 2004
Improved Uplink Cell Capacity in CDMA Systems Using a New Dynamic Distribution Algorithm 1383 07 Conference IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2004
Text to Phoneme Conversion in Persian Using Smooth Ergodic Hidden Markov Model 1383 02 Conference دوازدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Ad-hoc Wireless Network Routing Protocols and Improved AODV NULL 1382 09 Journal
استفاده ازشبكه عصبي تاخير زماني (TDNN) در استخراج مشخصات اثر انگشت 1382 02 Conference يازدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
تكميل ساختار FDE با طراحي S-box هاي قوي براي آن 1382 02 Conference يازدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Signature in even block A modification to Davies and price algorithm 1382 02 Conference يازدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
An Improvement on Ad-hoc Wireless Network Routing Based on AODV 1381 09 Conference 8th IEEE International Conference on Communications Systems 2002
Cyclostationary Based Interference Cancellation in Long Code DS/CDMA Systems 1381 06 Conference The Fourth IEEE Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks(MWCN 2002)