Power control and spatial reusability by using directional antenna in wireless ad hoc networks |
Conference |
Energy-efficient target tracking using forced handoffs in wireless sensor networks |
Conference |
ارائه يك رده بندي جديد براي آسيب پذيري هاي شبكه |
Conference |
Infocast A New Paradigm for Collaborative Content Distribution from Roadside Units to Vehicular Networks |
Conference |
Cooperative network coding and coding-aware channel assignment in multi-channel multi-interface wireless networks |
Conference |
DMRC Dissemination of Multimedia in Vehicular Networks Using Rateless Codes |
Conference |
A New Method for Vertical Handoff between WLANs and UMTS in Boundary Conditions |
Conference |
A Markov chain model for evaluating performance of Store-Carry-Forward procedure in VANETs |
Conference |
يك روش جديد براي دست به دست كردن عمودي بين شبكه هاي WLAN و UMTS |
Conference |
Absolute Priority for a Vahicle in VANET |
Conference |
Security of FDE against Differential and Linear attacks |
Conference |
A Profile-Based Scheme for Location Updating and Paging in Wireless Systems |
Conference |
A New Approach to Interference Mitigation in Multirate DS/SS systems |
Conference |
A Dynamic Profile Based Algorithm to Reduce the Location Updating and Paging Cost in Mobile Cellular Networks |
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روشي جديد در مديريت موقعيت بر مبناي الگوي حركتي كاربر در شبكه هاي سلولي داده |
Conference |
Smooth Ergodic Hideen Markov Model and its applications in text to speech systems |
Conference |
Improved Uplink Cell Capacity in CDMA Systems Using a New Dynamic Distribution Algorithm |
Conference |
Text to Phoneme Conversion in Persian Using Smooth Ergodic Hidden Markov Model |
Conference |
تكميل ساختار FDE با طراحي S-box هاي قوي براي آن |
Conference |
استفاده ازشبكه عصبي تاخير زماني (TDNN) در استخراج مشخصات اثر انگشت |
Conference |