
Conference Papers
Title Date type
Power control and spatial reusability by using directional antenna in wireless ad hoc networks Conference
Energy-efficient target tracking using forced handoffs in wireless sensor networks Conference
ارائه يك رده بندي جديد براي آسيب پذيري هاي شبكه Conference
Infocast A New Paradigm for Collaborative Content Distribution from Roadside Units to Vehicular Networks Conference
Cooperative network coding and coding-aware channel assignment in multi-channel multi-interface wireless networks Conference
DMRC Dissemination of Multimedia in Vehicular Networks Using Rateless Codes Conference
A New Method for Vertical Handoff between WLANs and UMTS in Boundary Conditions Conference
A Markov chain model for evaluating performance of Store-Carry-Forward procedure in VANETs Conference
يك روش جديد براي دست به دست كردن عمودي بين شبكه هاي WLAN و UMTS Conference
Absolute Priority for a Vahicle in VANET Conference
Security of FDE against Differential and Linear attacks Conference
A Profile-Based Scheme for Location Updating and Paging in Wireless Systems Conference
A New Approach to Interference Mitigation in Multirate DS/SS systems Conference
A Dynamic Profile Based Algorithm to Reduce the Location Updating and Paging Cost in Mobile Cellular Networks Conference
روشي جديد در مديريت موقعيت بر مبناي الگوي حركتي كاربر در شبكه هاي سلولي داده Conference
Smooth Ergodic Hideen Markov Model and its applications in text to speech systems Conference
Improved Uplink Cell Capacity in CDMA Systems Using a New Dynamic Distribution Algorithm Conference
Text to Phoneme Conversion in Persian Using Smooth Ergodic Hidden Markov Model Conference
تكميل ساختار FDE با طراحي S-box هاي قوي براي آن Conference
استفاده ازشبكه عصبي تاخير زماني (TDNN) در استخراج مشخصات اثر انگشت Conference