
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Star-Structure Network Coding for Multiple Unicast Sessions in Wireless Mesh Networks NULL 1392 01 Journal
A design concept to implement mobility enabled Wi-Fi network for VoIP services 1391 08 Conference The Sixth International Symposium on Telecommunications(IST 2012)
Network coding for multiple unicast sessions in multi-channel/interface wireless networks NULL 1391 07 Journal
New forwarding strategy for metro Ethernet networks based on hierarchical addressing 1390 11 Conference 14th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT 2012 )
Toward Benchmarks for Evaluation of Forwarding Strategies in Metro Ethernet Networks 1390 05 Conference 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence Communication Systems Networks
A Novel Collaboration Scheme for Multi-Channel/Interface Network Coding NULL 1389 10 Journal
DDRC Data Dissemination in Vehicular Networks Using Rateless Codes NULL 1389 02 Journal
Energy-efficient target tracking using forced handoffs in wireless sensor networks 1389 02 Conference 23rd Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering(CCECE 2010)
Power control and spatial reusability by using directional antenna in wireless ad hoc networks 1389 02 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
A Taxonomy for Network Vulnerabilities NULL 1388 12 Journal
Cooperative network coding and coding-aware channel assignment in multi-channel multi-interface wireless networks 1388 03 Conference 6th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks ( SECON 2009)
ارائه يك رده بندي جديد براي آسيب پذيري هاي شبكه 1388 03 Conference اولين كنفرانس حوادث و آسيب پذيري هاي امنيت فضاي تبادل اطلاعات
Infocast A New Paradigm for Collaborative Content Distribution from Roadside Units to Vehicular Networks 1388 03 Conference 6th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks ( SECON 2009)
DMRC Dissemination of Multimedia in Vehicular Networks Using Rateless Codes 1388 01 Conference 2009 IEEE INFOCOM Conference
A New Method for Vertical Handoff between WLANs and UMTS in Boundary Conditions 1387 11 Conference International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology ( ICCET 08)
On the Security and Performance of the FDE Block Cipher NULL 1387 10 Journal
A Markov chain model for evaluating performance of Store-Carry-Forward procedure in VANETs 1387 08 Conference 11th IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems ( ICCS 2008 )
يك روش جديد براي دست به دست كردن عمودي بين شبكه هاي WLAN و UMTS 1387 02 Conference شانزدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
Absolute Priority for a Vahicle in VANET 1386 12 Conference 13th CSI International computer Conference (CSICC 2008)
FRESH-DFE A New Structure for Interference Cancellation NULL 1386 10 Journal