
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
An experimental and numerical study of heat transfer in jacketed vessels by SiO2 nanofluid 10.1007/s00231-017-1989-4 1396 04 Journal
مدلسازي حذف آب از مخلوط آزئوتروپي آب و اتانول با استفاده از فرايند تراوش تبخيري به كمك ديناميك سيالات محاسباتي 1396 02 Conference هشتمين كنفرانس ملي كاربرد CFD در صنايع شيميايي و نفت
Three-dimensional CFD study of conical spouted beds containing heavy particles: Design parameters 10.1007/s11814-017-0024-2 1396 02 Journal
شبيه سازي تخريب هيدرات گاز طبيعي در مسير توزيع به مصرف كننده به وسيله آناليز CFD 1396 02 Conference هشتمين كنفرانس ملي كاربرد CFD در صنايع شيميايي و نفت
Investigation of different configurations of microbial fuel cells for the treatment of oilfield produced water 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.10.057 1396 01 Journal
Experimental characterization of new wire gauze with high capacity structured packing 10.1002/cjce.22731 1395 12 Journal
Characterization of New Wire Gauze High-Capacity Structured Packing with Varied Inclination Angle 10.1002/ceat.201600351 1395 12 Journal
بررسي عملكرد نانوسيال اكسيد گرافن-آب براي جذب انتخابي سولفيد هيدروژن 1395 11 Conference سمينار پتروشيمي و انرژي
Influence of SiO2 and graphene oxide nanoparticles on efficiency of biological removal process 10.1080/09593330.2016.1278045 1395 10 Journal
Numerical study on increasing PVC suspension polymerization productivity by using PSO optimization algorithm NULL 1395 09 Journal
Nonisothermal suspension polymerization of vinyl chloride for enhanced productivity NULL 1395 09 Journal
Experimental investigation of the effects of the hydrophilic silica nanoparticles on mass transfer and hydrodynamics of single drop extraction 10.1016/j.seppur.2016.06.038 1395 07 Journal
Experimental Investigation of the effect of nanoparticle size on thermal conductivity of in-situ prepared silica-ethanol nanofluid NULL 1395 07 Journal
Experimental and numerical study of multiphase flow in new wire gauze with high capacity structured packing NULL 1395 07 Journal
شبيه سازي پايداري الكترواستاتيكي ذرات اوليه تشكيل شده در بسپارش تعليقي وينيل كلرايد NULL 1395 06 Journal
Continuous Dosing of Fast Initiator during Suspension Polymerization of Vinyl Chloride for Enhanced Productivity Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Study 10.1080/00986445.2016.1205981 1395 04 Journal
Influence of Physical Properties of Phases on Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer Characteristics of a Liquid-Liquid Circular Microchannel 1395 04 Conference International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels
Impacts of solid-phase wall boundary condition on CFD simulation of conical spouted beds containing heavy zirconia particles NULL 1395 04 Journal
Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Dry Pressure Drop in High-Capacity Structured Packings NULL 1395 03 Journal
شبيه سازي CFD فرايند توليد كامپوزيت سراميك C/SiC با نفوذ شيميايي بخار و بررسي اثر تغيير دما 1395 02 Conference دومين كنفرانس بين المللي دستاوردهاي نوين پژوهشي در شيمي و مهندسي شيمي