
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Investigation of the effects of nanoparticle size on CO2 absorption by silica-water nanofluid 10.1016/j.seppur.2017.12.020 1397 01 Journal
Experimental study of absorption of co2 in microchannel 1396 12 Conference دومين كنفرانس ملي ميكروفلوبيديك و كاربردهاي آن در پزشكي و مهندسي
تحليل عددي و شبيه سازي هيدروديناميك بسترهاي فوارهاي شامل ميكروذرات به وسيله ديناميك سيالات محاسباتي 1396 12 Conference چهاردهمين كنفرانس ملي روز مهندس، مهندسي سرمايه پايدار
Mechanistic investigation of nonisothermal suspension polymerization of vinyl chloride 10.1002/vnl.21527 1396 11 Journal
Impact of salinity and connate water on Low salinity water injection in secondary and tertiary stage for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in carbonate oil reservoirs 10.1088/1742-2140/aaae84 1396 11 Journal
CFD modeling of heat transfer and hydrodynamics in a draft tube conical spouted bed reactor under pyrolysis conditions Impact of wall boundary condition 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.08.044 1396 09 Journal
Experimental investigation of time and repeated cycles in nucleate pool boiling of alumina/water nanofluid on polished and machined surfaces 10.1007/s00231-017-2266-2 1396 09 Journal
A comprehensive study on optimizing and thermoregulating properties of core shell fibrous structures through coaxial electrospinning NULL 1396 09 Journal
Investigation of the effects of nonisothermal suspension polymerization of vinyl chloride on resin properties 10.1002/vnl.21501 1396 08 Journal
Enhancement of poly(vinyl chloride) productivity by continuous initiator injection 10.1002/vnl.21505 1396 08 Journal
Investigation of the effects of nonisothermal suspension polymerization of vinyl chloride on the fusion and degradation behavior of poly(vinyl chloride) 10.1002/vnl.21500 1396 08 Journal
The effect of the size of square microchannels on hydrodynamics and mass transfer during liquid-liquid slug flow 10.1002/aic.15822 1396 08 Journal
Thermo-regulating Core-shell Nano/micro Fibrous Structures 1396 07 Conference International Conference on Nanofibers ( ICNF 2017 )
Influence of orientation and roughness of heater surface on critical heat flux and pool boiling heat transfer coefficient of nanofluid 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.06.025 1396 06 Journal
Hydrodynamics and mass transfer in liquid-liquid non-circular microchannels Comparison of two aspect ratios and three junction structures NULL 1396 05 Journal
Mathematical modeling of rapid temperature swing adsorption the role of influencing parameters NULL 1396 05 Journal
An experimental and numerical study of heat transfer in jacketed vessels by SiO2 nanofluid 10.1007/s00231-017-1989-4 1396 04 Journal
آناليز ديناميك سيالات محاسباتي جوشش جرياني مادون سرد در ميكروكانال 1396 04 Conference 4th International Conference on Recent Inovations in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Adsorption and Desorption Processes of Chromium Ions Using Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Relevant Mechanism NULL 1396 04 Journal
Intensification of liquid-liquid mass transfer in a circular microchannel in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate 10.1016/j.cep.2017.03.011 1396 04 Journal