
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Variation in polyphenolic composition antioxidants and physiological characteristics of globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus Hayek L.) as affected by drought stress # Journal
مطالعه اجزاي عملكرد و صفات زراعي در برخي از فاميلهايF3 بزرك (Linum usitatissimum L.) # Journal
Persistence recovery and root traits of tall fescue genotypes with different flowering date under prolonged water stress # Journal
Genetic analysis of root and physiological traits of tall fescue in association with drought stress conditions # Journal
تاثير تاريخ كاشت بر درصد روغن، محتوي فنل تام بذر و برگ گونه هاي زراعي، وحشي و نسل اف 5 تلاقي بين گونه اي گلرنگ # Journal
Selection criteria for assessing drought tolerance in a segregating population of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) # Journal
Interaction of seed coat color and seed hardness An effective relationship which can be exploited to enhance resistance to the safflowerfly (Acanthiophilus helianthi) in Carthamus spp. # Journal
پاسخ به انتخاب مستقيم و غير مستقيم براي بهبود عملكرد دانه در گلرنگ (Carthamus tinctorius L.) # Journal
ارزيابي تغييرات فيتوشيميايي، مورفولوژيك و فعاليت آنتياكسيداني جمعيتهاي گياه بيلهر (Dorema aucheri) كشت شده در محيطهاي مختلف # Journal
Physiology of salinity tolerance in Bromus danthoniae genotypes originated from saline and non-saline areas of West Iran # Journal
Study of genotype by environment interaction in tall fescue genotypes and their polycross progenies in Iran based on AMMI model analysis # Journal
ارزيابي روابط فنوتيپي و ژنتيكي بين صفات زراعي، عملكرد دانه و اجزاي آن در ژنوتيپ هاي به دست آمده از تلاقي بين گونه اي گلرنگ اهلي و وحشي # Journal
Variation in Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Globe Artichoke Under Different Irrigation Regimes # Journal
Effect of drought stress on total phenolic lipid peroxidation and antioxidant activity of Achillea species # Journal
Integrating parametric and non-parametric measures to investigate genotype environment interactions in tall fescue # Journal
Comparison of Essential Oil Composition Flavonoid Content and Antioxidant Activity in Eight Achillea Species # Journal
تاثير تنش شوري بر فعاليت هاي آنتي اكسيدان و محتواي كلروفيل برگ در ژنوتيپ هاي حساس و متحمل به شوري گلرنگ (Carthamus tinctorius L) # Journal
Microsatellite Markers Variation and Seed Oil Composition of Some Safflower Genotypes Differing in Salt Tolerance # Journal
Application of GGE Biplot to Analyze Stability of Iranian Tall Fescue Genotypes # Journal
مطالعه تنوع ژنتيكي صفات مرتبط با عملكرد دانه در ژرم پلاسم داخلي و خارجي گلرنگ (Carthamus tinctorius) # Journal