
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Agro-Physiological and DNA Methylation Responses to Salinity Stress in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Aegilops cylindrica Host, and Their Introgressed Lines 10.3390/plants13192673 Journal
Zinc foliar application may alleviate drought stress in wheat species through physiological changes 10.1016/j.stress.2024.100534 Journal
Zinc foliar application may alleviate drought stress in wheat species through physiological changes # Journal
مطالعه پارامترهاي ژنتيكي صفات زراعي موثر بر عملكرد دانه در برخي از ژنوتيپ هاي كنجد ( Sesamum indicum) # Journal
Wild barley genomic resources for drought adaptability and quality improvement # Journal
Characterization of 14 Triticum species for the NAM-B1 gene and its associated traits # Journal
Breeding safflower for adaptation to autumn sowing by interspecific hybridization # Journal
Water Stress and Seed Color Interacting to Impact Seed and Oil Yield, Protein, Mucilage, and Secoisolariciresinol Diglucoside Content in Cultivated Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). # Journal
Wheat grain quality changes with water stress, zinc, and iron applications predicted by the solvent retention capacity (SRC) # Journal
Combined foliar application of Zn and Fe increases grain micronutrient concentrations and alleviates water stress across diverse wheat species and ploidal levels # Journal
وراثت پذيري عملكرد و اجزاي عملكرد و گزينش براي تحمل به خشكي در لاين هاي دابل هاپلوييد گندم # Journal
Concurrent improvement of durum and emmer wheat through reciprocal backcrossing and hybridization # Journal
Drought tolerance and stability of native Iranian and foreign tall fescue genotypes: Comparison of AMMI and GGE biplot analyses # Journal
Water Stress Intensified the Relation of Seed Color with Lignan Content and Seed Yield Components in Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) # Journal
Vase life consequences of natural and chemical treatments in foxtail lily (Eremurus spectabilis), as a specialty cut flowers # Journal
واكنش گندم هاي ايمر و دوروم به سطوح متفاوت كود نيتروژن # Journal
ارزيابي مبتني بر شاخص هاي تحمل كم آبياري در هيبريدهاي جديد ذرت دانه اي (Zea mays L.) با منشأ سيميت # Journal
تغييرات فيزيولوژيك ناشي از تنش خشكي در مرحله گلدهي در لاين هاي حاصل از نسل چهارم تلاقي بين گونه اي گلرنگ # Journal
Polyphenolic and molecular variation in Thymus species using HPLC and SRAP analyses # Journal
ارزيابي صفات زراعي و تحمل به خشكي در لاين هاي حاصل از سه تلاقي بين گونه اي گلرنگ # Journal