
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Design and development of a variable-rate seeder A study of time of response 1387 07 Conference 10th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture
Development Construction and Evaluation of an on-the-Go Soil Mechanical Resistance Sensor 1387 07 Conference 10th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture
طراحي، ساحت و ارزيابي يك سامانه كنترل براي تغيير يك خطي كار نرخ ثابت به نرخ متغير 1387 06 Conference پنجمين كنگره ملي مهندسي ماشينهاي كشاورزي و مكانيزاسيون
Performance Evaluation of a JPEG-Based Multiple Description Image Coder 1387 06 Conference The 3rd International Symposium on Information Technology (ITSIM2008 )
طراحي، ساخت و ارزيابي حسگر خازني اندازه گير رطوبت خاك به صورت بلادرنگ 1387 06 Conference پنجمين كنگره ملي مهندسي ماشينهاي كشاورزي و مكانيزاسيون
A Principal Compunent Analysis Based Method for Estimating Depth of Anesthesia 1387 02 Conference The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering ( ICBBE 2008 )
بررسي ارتباط بين سطح هشياري و فعاليت الكتريكي سلول هاي مغزي در بيماران تحت جراحي تعويض دريچه آئورت NULL 1387 01 Journal
Electroencephalogram Fractral Dimension as a Measure of Depth of Anesthesia 1387 01 Conference 3d International Conference on Information Communication Technologies from Theory to Applications ( ICTTA 2008 )
شناسايي آريتمي هاي حاد دهليزي- بطني بر اساس بخش بندي و تشخيص كامل ECG ارزيابي بر اساس پايگاه داده استاندارد MIT/BIH NULL 1387 01 Journal
Triangulation by Neighboring Test NULL 1387 01 Journal
Quantification of Depth of Anesthesia by Means of Adaptive Calculation of Correlation Dimension Parameters NULL 1387 01 Journal
Adaptive Forward-Tracking Mesh Model 1386 12 Conference 13th CSI International computer Conference (CSICC 2008)
شناسايي آريتمي هاي حاد دهليزي-بطني بر اساس بخشبندي و تشخيص كامل ECG ارزيابي بر اساس پايگاه داده استاندارد 1386 12 Conference كنفرانس ملي مهندسي برق
استفاده از روش كدينگ چند توصيفي جهت يك فشرده كننده JPEG NULL 1386 10 Journal
Comparison of Spectral Subtraction Methods used in Noise Suppression Algorithms 1386 09 Conference Sixth International Conference on Information Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2007 )
Implementation of Subband Coding on Farsi Speech Language 1386 09 Conference 5th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO 2007 )
Detection of Ventricular Arrhythmias Using Roots Location in AR-Modelling 1386 09 Conference Sixth International Conference on Information Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2007 )
تفكيك تصاوير چند كروموزمي از تك كروموزمي به وسيله شبكه عصبي 1386 08 Conference اولين كنفرانس داده كاوي ايران
Analysis of Electroencephalogram Revealing the Processing Algorithm of Depth of Anesthesia Monitor 1386 08 Conference اولين كنفرانس داده كاوي ايران
Comparison of Adaptive and Fixed Segmentation in Different Calculation Methods of Electroencephalogram Time-Series Entropy for Estimating Depth of Anesthesia 1386 08 Conference The International Special Topic Conference on Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine 2007 (ITAB2007)