
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Detection of Collagenous Colitis Based On Histopathology Image Segmentation of Colon 1390 08 Conference هفتمين كنفرانس ماشين بينايي و پردازش تصوير ايران
A New NSCT Based Contrast Enhancement Algorithm for Amplification of Early Signs of Ischemic Stroke in Brain CT Images 1390 08 Conference هفتمين كنفرانس ماشين بينايي و پردازش تصوير ايران
Enhancing P300 wave of BCI systems via Negentropy in Adaptive Wavelet denoising NULL 1390 06 Journal
طراحي فيلترهاي پسيو كاهش دهنده هارمونيك با استفاده از تبديل موجك 1390 04 Conference سومين كنفرانس مهندسي برق و الكترونيك ايران
New Image Compression Algorithm using Proposed Quantization Approach 1390 04 Conference International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Robotics (ICPAIR 2011)
Defiining a New Measure for Synchronization of Multi-Channel Epileptic Depth-EEG Signals Based on Identification of Parameters of a Computational Model 1390 04 Conference The Second IASTED International Conference on Computational Bioscience
Designing Passive Filters for Harmonic Reduction in a Noisy System Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform 1390 03 Conference 2011 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT 2011 )
Evaluation of Some Physiological Statements about Seizure Using Processing of Epileptic EEG Signals 1390 02 Conference نوزدهمين كنفرانس مهندسي برق ايران
A Brief Survey of Computational Models of Normal and Epileptic EEG Signals A Guideline to Model Based Seizure Prediction NULL 1390 02 Journal
طراحي ساخت و ارزيابي حسگر خازني اندازه گير پيوسته رطوبت خاك به صورت بلادرنگ NULL 1390 01 Journal
A New Triangulation Method Based on Neighboring Test NULL 1390 01 Journal
Design and Implementation of a Reliable and Authenticated Satellite Image Communicantion NULL 1390 01 Journal
Automatic Detection and Localization of Surface Cracks in Continuously Cast Hot Steel Slabs Using Digital Image Analysis Techniques NULL 1390 01 Journal
An effective damage identification approach in thick steel beams based on guided ultrasonic waves for structural health monitoring applications NULL 1390 01 Journal
A Blocked-Based 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform Structure with New Scan Method for Overlapped Sections 1389 12 Conference 1st Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering
پيش بيني زمان پاشش سرباره در كنورترهاي فولادسازي ذوب آهن اصفهان 1389 12 Conference سمپوزيوم فولاد 89
A brief survey of computational models of normal and epileptic EEG signals: a guideline to model-based seizure prediction NULL 1389 11 Journal
Online signature verification using combination of two classifiers 1389 08 Conference ششمين كنفرانس ماشين بينايي و پردازش تصوير ايران
Automatic Extraction of Positive Cells in Pathology images of Meningioma Based on the Maximal Entropy Principle and HSV Color Space 1389 08 Conference ششمين كنفرانس ماشين بينايي و پردازش تصوير ايران
Computer-aided Detection of Proliferative Cells and Mitosis Index in Immunohistichemically Images of Meningioma 1389 08 Conference ششمين كنفرانس ماشين بينايي و پردازش تصوير ايران