
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
به كارگيري يادگيري عميق در بازاريابي عصبي و طبقه بندي علايق مشتريان بر پايه الكتروانسفالوگرام 1402 09 Conference دوازدهمين كنفرانس فيزيك آماري، ماده چگال نرم و سيستم هاي پيچيده
Improvement of Flexible Design Matrix in Sparse Bayesian Learning for Multi Task fMRI Data Analysis 1395 09 Conference NULL
Wavelet Based Single Trial Event Related Potential Extraction in Very Low SNR Conditions 1395 07 Conference The 6th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE 2016)
Mutual information based detection of thermal profile in hand joints of rheumatoid arthritis patients using Non-parametric windows 1395 02 Conference CANADIAN CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (IEEE) 2016
A Robust and Fast Method for Estimating and Tracking the Instantaneous Fundamental Frequency of Audio Signals 1395 02 Conference CANADIAN CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (IEEE) 2016
طراحي سيستم نظارت و عيب يابي خط پخت گندله خام مجتمع فولاد مباركه با استفاده از پردازش برخط تصاوير ديجيتال و حسگرهاي تشخيص فاصله 1394 12 Conference سمپوزيوم فولاد 94
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
تعيين محتواي رطوبت نسبي برگ دو ژنوتيپ كنجد با طيف سنجي مرئي- مادونقرمز نزديك (Vis/NIR) براي تشخيص تنش خشكي NULL 1401 04 Journal
Automatic extraction of canopy and artificial reference temperatures for determination of crop water stress indices by using thermal imaging technique and a fuzzy-based image-processing algorithm NULL 1399 06 Journal
Effect of micro climatic indices on the accuracy of thermographic plant water status monitoring, case study of a semi-arid area NULL 1399 02 Journal
Computational analysis of non-invasive deep brain stimulation based on interfering electric fields NULL 1398 09 Journal
A Sparse Analysis-Based Single Image Super-Resolution 10.3390/computers8020041 1398 03 Journal
بهبود الگوريتم شبيه سازي زمين آماري چند نقطه اي فيلترسيم از طريق طراحي فيلترهاي سازگار با الگوهاي موجود در تصاوير آموزشي و شرطي سازي نظارت شده NULL 1397 04 Journal
پيشگويي برخط و تك كاناله وقوع حمله صرعي با ارائه الگوي توليد صرع بر روي سيگنالهاي الكتروانسفالوگرام عمقي با استفاده از فيلتر كالمن توسعه يافته NULL 1397 03 Journal
Plant temperature-based indices using infrared thermography for detecting water status in sesame under greenhouse conditions Agricultural Water Management NULL 1397 03 Journal
Random partitioning and adaptive filters for multiple-point stochastic simulation 10.1007/s00477-017-1453-5 1396 06 Journal
Local derivative radial patterns A new texture descriptor for content-based image retrieval 10.1016/j.sigpro.2017.02.013 1396 05 Journal
New content-based image retrieval system based on optimised integration of DCD wavelet and curvelet features 10.1049/iet-ipr.2016.0542 1395 11 Journal
بهبود دهي سرعت و مقاومت رديابي تصويري تنك مبنا در مواجهه با انسداد جزئي به كمك مدل سازي زبر و نرم منظر هدف NULL 1395 10 Journal
An industrial image processing-based approach for estimation of iron ore green pellet size distribution NULL 1395 09 Journal
Robust Estimation and Tracking of Pitch Period Using an Efficient Bayesian Filter NULL 1395 04 Journal