Tuning the quantum phase transition of an ultrathin magnetic topological insulator |
10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.8.074201 |
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Ground state of the staggered Heisenberg-? honeycomb model in a magnetic field |
10.21468/SciPostPhysCore.7.2.030 |
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Floquet engineering of axion and high-Chern number phases in a topological insulator under illumination |
10.21468/SciPostPhysCore.7.2.024 |
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Tailoring weak and metallic phases in a strong topological insulator by strain and disorder: Conductance fluctuations signatures |
10.1103/PhysRevB.109.045129 |
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Enhanced thermoelectric properties in phosphorene nanorings |
10.1103/PhysRevB.108.035425 |
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High Chern number in strained thin films of dilute magnetic topological insulators |
10.1103/PhysRevB.107.195119 |
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Role of the band-gap parameter in the characterization of Landau levels in a gapped-phase semi-Dirac system: Monolayer phosphorene |
10.1103/PhysRevB.107.125417 |
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Axion insulator states in a topological insulator proximitized to magnetic insulators: A tight-binding characterization |
10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.6.074205 |
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Controlling the hybridization gap and transport in a thin-film topological insulator: Effect of strain, and electric and magnetic field |
10.1103/PhysRevB.106.035119 |
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Conductance fluctuations of monolayer GeSnH2 in the topological phase using a low-energy effective tight-binding Hamiltonian |
10.1103/PhysRevB.99.115421 |
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Tight-binding model investigation of the biaxial strain induced topological phase transition in GeCH3 |
10.1103/PhysRevB.96.085441 |
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Strain-induced topological phase transition in phosphorene and in phosphorene nanoribbons |
10.1103/PhysRevB.94.085417 |
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Quantum decoherence time scales for ionic superposition states in ion channels |
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A DFT study of formaldehyde adsorption on functionalized graphene nanoribbons |
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Scaling laws of band gaps of phosphorene nanoribbons A tight-binding calculation |
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Zero-temperature phase diagram of the classical Kane-Mele-Heisenberg model |
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شبيه سازي اثر بي نظمي و ميدان مغناطيسي بر ترابرد كوانتومي نانوساختارهاي دو بعدي مدل شده با تقريب تنگابست |
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بررسي خواص مغناطيسي ريزساختارهاي نانومتري گرافيني و نانوروبان هاي گرافيني زيگزاگ |
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بررسي اثر بي نظمي روي چگالي حالات نانو روبانهاي گرافيني |
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The influence of Kondo physics on the properties of a spin glass |
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