مطالعه پارامتري عوامل موثر بر وقوع چتر در خط نورد سرد |
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تحليل عددي افت انتقال صوت در يك پانل ساندويچي با ساختار سفتي منفي |
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مقايسه ي ارتعاش عرضي و پيچشي در تشخيص عيب ترك چرخدنده ساده در سرعت ها مختلف |
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Multibody Dynamic Modeling and Experimental validation of a Front-Loading Washing Machine in the spin cycle |
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Vibro-acoustic Noise Reduction of a Washing Machine Using Vibration Absorbing Material |
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Design of a virtual acoustic sensor for estimating the radiated sound of cylindrical shells |
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Low frequency radiation modes of cylindrical shells based on system spatial decomposition |
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Structural Acoustic Sensing for Cylindrical Shells Using Accelerometers and Structural Acoustic Sensing for Cylindrical Shells Using Accelerometers and Structural Acoustic Sensing for Cylindrical Shells Using Accelerometers and Structural Acoustic Se |
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Adaptive Feedforward Controller for Active Vibration Control of a Cylindrical Shell Using Piezoelectric Patches |
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