
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Enhanced sound transmission loss of a truss-like cellular structure in broad-band low frequency domains 10.1080/15376494.2024.2308052 Journal
An Investigation into the Impact of Fiber Material, Fabric Texture, Dirt Type, and Fabric Area Density on Ultrasonic Cleaning of Woven Textiles 10.1007/s12221-023-00400-8 Journal
مقايسه ارتعاشات عرضي و پيچشي جعبه دنده يك مرحله اي در تشخيص عيب ترك در سرعت هاي مختلف # Journal
Acoustical simulation design and experimental investigation of a classroom: A case study 10.22064/TAVA.2023.563390.1213 Journal
Backpack with a nonlinear suspension system designed for low walking speeds 10.1007/s00419-023-02391-7 Journal
Active noise control for global broadband noise attenuation in a cylindrical cavity using Modal FxLMS algorithm 10.1177/10775463221144358 Journal
كنترل فعال نويز باندباريك در يك كانال به روش FxLMS بر پايه ي ريزكنترل كننده ي AVR # Journal
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Free Vibrations of Rectangular Plates with Vertical Patterns 10.1007/s40997-022-00493-1 Journal
Development of a Sound Quality Evaluation Model Based on an Optimal Analytic Wavelet Transform and an Artificial Neural Network # Journal
The effects of wedge geometrical parameters and arrangement on the sound absorption coefficient - A numerical and experimental study 10.1016/j.apacoust.2020.107458 Journal
Radiated sound control from a smart cylinder subjected to piezoelectric uncertainties based on sliding mode technique using self-adjusting boundary layer 10.1016/j.ast.2020.106141 Journal
A robust optimum controller for suppressing radiated sound from an intelligent cylinder based on sliding mode method considering piezoelectric uncertainties 10.1177/1045389X19873412 Journal
Prediction of Psychoacoustic Metrics Using Combination of Wavelet Packet Transform and an Optimized Artificial Neural Network # Journal
Vibration suppression of a piezo-equipped cylindrical shell in a broad-band frequency domain # Journal
Active control of radiated sound power of a smart cylindrical shell based on radiation modes # Journal
Active structural acoustic control of a smart cylindrical shell using a virtual microphone 10.1088/0964-1726/25/4/045020 Journal
Modal Structural Acoustic Sensing with Minimum Number of Optimally Placed Piezoelectric Sensors # Journal
Theoretical and Experimental Study of Active Vibration Control of a Cylindrical Shell using Piezoelectric Disks # Journal
Simulation and Experimental Investigation on End Plate Flexibility of Helmholtz Resonators Conference
شبيه سازي آكوستيكي صداي انتشاري در سالن توليد نخ و صحت سنجي تجربي Conference