
type: Conference
Title Year Month type Conference Title
افزايش عملكرد برداشت انرژي تيرپيزوالكتريك در مود هاي ارتعاشي با تحريك هارمونيك 1395 02 Conference بيست و چهارمين همايش سالانه بين المللي مهندسي مكانيك
Non-uniformityeffects of flow velocity onthe fluid-structureinteraction in carbon nanotubesconveying fluid 1394 09 Conference پنجمين كنفرانس بين المللي آكوستيك و ارتعاشات
طراحي سيستم پيزوالكتريك برداشت انرژي با پهناي باند گسترده با كاربرد در ريزپرنده ي هدايت پذير از دور 1393 12 Conference چهاردهمين كنفرانس بين المللي انجمن هوافضاي ايران
type: Journal
Title DOI Year Month type
Time/ wave domain analysis for axially moving pre-stressed nanobeam by wavelet-based spectral element method NULL 1395 02 Journal
Dynamics Analysis of the Steady and Transient States of a Nonlinear Piezoelectric Beam by a Finite Element Method NULL 1395 01 Journal
A finite element model for extension and shear modes of piezo-laminated beams based on von Karman s nonlinear displacement-strain relation NULL 1395 01 Journal
Increasing the performance of energy harvesting in vibration mode shapes NULL 1394 12 Journal
Shear vibration and buckling of double-layer orthotropic nanoplates based on RPT resting on elastic foundations by DQM including surface effects 10.1007/s00542-015-2744-8 1394 09 Journal
Spectral finite element for vibration analysis of cracked viscoelastic Euler Bernoulli beam subjected to moving load NULL 1394 09 Journal
Shear vibration and buckling of double layer orthotropic nanoplates based on RPT resting on elastic foundations by DQM including surface effects NULL 1394 09 Journal
Experimental study on damage identification in GFRP-strengthened RC beams using novel cubic energy-based damage index NULL 1394 07 Journal
Erratum for Flap-Lag Vibration Analysis of Rotating Tapered Solid Beams with Functionally Graded Characteristics NULL 1394 07 Journal
آناليز ارتعاشات آزاد و واداشته ي تير اويلر-برنولي ترك دار با بهره گيري از روش المان محدود طيفي NULL 1394 04 Journal
Flap-lag vibration analysis of rotating tapered solid beams having functionally graded characteristics NULL 1394 03 Journal
Experimental and numerical results of Dynamics behavior of a Nonlinear Piezoelectric Beam NULL 1394 03 Journal
A mode conversion-based algorithm for detecting rectangular notch parameters in plates using Lamb waves NULL 1394 03 Journal
ارتعاشات آزاد و ناپايداري ديورژانس لوله هاي حامل سيال با پارامترهاي سازه اي نامعين NULL 1394 01 Journal
Configuration optimization of piezoelectric patches attached to functionally graded shear-deformable cylindrical shells considering spillover effects NULL 1393 12 Journal
Damage Identification in Collocated Structural Systems Using Structural Markov Parameters NULL 1393 10 Journal
Thermoelastic buckling analysis of laminated piezoelectric composite plates NULL 1393 10 Journal