Divergence instability of pipes conveying fluid with uncertain flow velocity |
1396 |
10 |
Journal |
Operational modal analysis and fatigue life estimation of a chisel plow arm under soil-induced random excitations |
1396 |
10 |
Journal |
Damage Detection and Structural Health Monitoring of ST-37 Plate Using Smart Materials and Signal Processing by Artificial Neural Networks |
1396 |
09 |
Journal |
Novel composite finite element model for piezoelectric energy harvesters based on 3D beam kinematics |
1396 |
05 |
Journal |
Energy Harvesting of a Multilayer Piezoelectric Beam in Resonance and Off-Resonance Cases |
1396 |
04 |
Journal |
Positive and negative surface effects on the buckling and vibration of rectangular nanoplates under biaxial and shear in-plane loadings based on nonlocal elasticity theory |
1396 |
03 |
Journal |
تحليل رفتبر يك ورق مركب دوپبيبي هيبريدي پيچشي و عوامل موثر بر محدوده پبيداري |
1396 |
02 |
Journal |
تحليل رفتار يك ورق مركب دوپاياي هيبريدي پيچشي و عوامل موثر بر محدوده پايداري |
1396 |
02 |
Journal |
مدل سازي المان محدود تير كامپوريت لايه لايه تطبيقي هوشمند |
1396 |
01 |
Journal |
3D elasticity analytical solution for bending of FG micro/nanoplates resting on elastic foundation using modified couple stress theory |
1395 |
12 |
Journal |
Vibration analysis of cracked Timoshenko beam under moving load with constant velocity and acceleration by spectral finite element method |
1395 |
10 |
Journal |
Wavelet-based spectral finite element dynamic analysis for an axially moving Timoshenko beam |
1395 |
10 |
Journal |
Thermal and tensile loading effects on size-dependent vibration response of traveling nanobeam by wavelet-based spectral element modeling |
1395 |
08 |
Journal |
An equivalent micromechanical multi-unit cell model carried by macromechanical full-layerwise theory for flexural analysis of 3D braided composite and thick plates |
1395 |
07 |
Journal |
Spectrally formulated finite element for vibration analysis of an Euler-Bernoulli beam on Pasternak foundation |
1395 |
05 |
Journal |
Experimental and theoretical studies on piezoelectric energy harvesting from low-frequency ambient random vibrations |
1395 |
03 |
Journal |
Buckling analysis of double-orthotropic nanoplates embedded in elastic media based on non-local two-variable refined plate theory using the GDQ method |
1395 |
03 |
Journal |
Time/ wave domain analysis for axially moving pre-stressed nanobeam by wavelet-based spectral element method |
1395 |
02 |
Journal |
Thermo-mechanical vibration and buckling of orthotropic graphene sheets based on nonlocal two variable refined plate theory using finite difference method considering surface effects |
1395 |
02 |
Journal |