
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
experimental demonstration of anomeric effect and strcture X-ray conformational analysis of N-2-(1 4 -dioxane)-N-(p-methylbenzenesulfonyl)-o- (p-methylphenoxy) isourea # Journal
catalytic dehydration of alcohol # Journal
Kinetics and Mechanism of Izomerization of N-Alkoxycarbonyl-5-aroxytetrazoles # Journal
Equilibria of the 5-Substituted-1 2-acylated Tetrazoles and # Journal
The stereoselectieve synthesis and the nitrogen interconversion of 2-(tert-butoxymethyl)-1- n-(4-methylbenznesulfonyl) (4-methylphenoxy) imidoyl aziridine # Journal
Isotope effect and kinetic studies of reaction of alcohols with triphenylphosphine carbon tetrachloride lon pair or concerted # Journal
New Transition-State Models and Kinetics of Elimination Reactions of Tertiary Alcohols over Aluminum Oxide # Journal
Alcohol dehydration # Journal
Functionalization of Phenyl Rings by Imidoylnitrenes. 2. Cycloaddition or Electrophilic Aromatic Substititution # Journal
The Potential of Ethyl Acetate and Methyl Acetate as an Additives for Gasoline Fuel for Compression - Ignition Engines Conference
Effect of additives on the antiknock properties and Reid vapor pressure of gasoline Conference
Monomer and dimer structures of N N dibenzyledeneethylenediamine derivatives DFT NBO and MO studies Conference
Conformational analysis and experimental single crystal X-ray of N N dibenzyledeneethylenediamine derivatives Conference
Novel C20 carbon nanostructures scaning tunelling microscopy STM electronic structure vibrational and UV spectroscopy analysis Conference
A new route to synthesis of gama- alumina nanorods Conference
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