
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Effect of additives on the antiknock properties and Reid vapor pressure of gasoline 1390 08 Conference 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress Exhibition
Monomer and dimer structures of N N dibenzyledeneethylenediamine derivatives DFT NBO and MO studies 1390 06 Conference 15th Iranian Chemistry Congress
Catalytic conversion of alcohols over alumina zirconia mixed oxides Reactivity and selectivity NULL 1390 04 Journal
Linear free energy relationship for the anomeric effect MP2 DFT and ab initio study of 2-substituted-1 4-dioxanes NULL 1390 02 Journal
Formation of gama-alumina nanorods in presence of alanine NULL 1389 11 Journal
Conformational analysis and intramolecular/intermolecular interactions of N N -dibenzylideneethylenediamine derivatives NULL 1389 08 Journal
Conformational analysis and experimental single crystal X-ray of N N dibenzyledeneethylenediamine derivatives 1389 07 Conference هفدهمين سمينار شيمي آلي ايران
Novel C20 carbon nanostructures scaning tunelling microscopy STM electronic structure vibrational and UV spectroscopy analysis 1389 01 Conference سيزدهمين سمينار شيمي فيزيك ايران
Effects of vacuum and calcination temperature on the structure texture reactivity and selectivity of alumina Experimental and DFT studies NULL 1389 01 Journal
A new route to synthesis of gama- alumina nanorods 1388 12 Conference سومين كنفرانس نانو ساختارها
Influence of B Ga and In impurities in the structure and electronic properties of alumina nanoball NULL 1388 10 Journal
Influence of B Ga and In impurities in the structure and electronic properties of alumina nanoball NULL 1388 10 Journal
Nanoscale surface study and reactions mechanism of 2-butanol over the gama-alumina (1 0 0) surface and nanochannel A DFT study NULL 1388 10 Journal
DFT ab initio NMR and NBO analyses of Na-substituted hydrazino acetamides experimental VS theoretical values NULL 1388 01 Journal
Theoretical studies on tautomerism of triazole derivatives in the gas phase and solution NULL 1388 01 Journal
Dynamic 1H-NMR demonstration of anomeric effect and configurational analysis of N-2-(1 4-dioxane)-N -(p-methylbenzenesulfonyl)-O-(p-methylphenoxy) isourea NULL 1387 12 Journal
Experimental and CIS TD-DFT ab initio calculations of visible spectra and the vibrational frequencies of sulfonyl azide-azoic dyes NULL 1387 10 Journal
p-Toluenesulfonic acid a useful and selective reagent for the oxidation of benzoins to benziles under solvent-free condition NULL 1387 07 Journal
Quantum Chemical Study of New Derivatives of Salicylic acid Derived from Friedel-Crafts Acylation of Dimethoxybenzenes 1387 06 Conference 15th Seminar of Organic Chemistry
Title MP2 DFT and Ab initio Molecular Orbital Study of 2-Substituted-1 4-Dioxanes 1387 06 Conference 15th Seminar of Organic Chemistry