Geomorphological study of landscapes and soils in the eastern part of ZayandeRud valley Central Iran |
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Nutrient loss in different land uses estimated by rainfall simulator |
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Spatial variability of lead content in soil and rice around Isfahan steel smelter |
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Prediction of selected soil attributes using hybrid techniques |
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The effects of agriculture on phosphorus kinetics in calcareous soils of selected arid and semiarid regions |
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The effect of agriculture on phosphorus sorption kinetics in calcareous soils of selected arid and semiarid region |
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Impact of overgrazing and climate on selected biological attributes in central Zagros Iran |
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Genesis of selected gypsiferous soils in southeastern Iran |
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Evolution and degradation of Segzi playa in Zayandeh_rud valley Central Iran |
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Evalution and degradiation of Segzi Playa in Zayandehrud valley central Iran |
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Removal of heavy metals from aqueous solutions using Iranian Natural Zeolite. Proceedings of the |
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Delineation of cadmium polluted soils in Isfahan region a decision making problem |
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Impacts of land use change on soil quality indices of Cheshmeh_Ali region in Chaharmahal va Bakhtiary province western Iran |
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Soil diversity related to landscape evolutionary processes in Zayandeh - Rud Valley |
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Effect of deforestation on selected soil quality attributes in loess-derived land forms of Golestan province northern Iran |
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Regional variability and availability of cadmium in relation to soil parameters and land use type |
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Variability of available cadmium in relation to soil properties and landuse in an arid region in central Iran |
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كاربرد تكنولوژي GIS و RS د رمعرفي سايتهاي مناسب جهت كشت گونه جنگلي Acer negundo |
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مقايسه فاكتور فرسايش پذيري معادله جهاني فرسايش خاك اصلاح شده (RUSLE ) در خاكهاي حاصل از مواد مادري متفاوت در حوزه آبخيز گل آباد ، اردستان |
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تاثير خصوصيات خاك سطحي بر قابليت تشكيل سله و مقاومت آن به فرسايش آبي |
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