بررسي علل و زيان مالي ناشي از حذف زود هنگام در گله هاي هلشتاين استان اصفهان |
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Economic evaluation of sexed semen use in Iranian dairy farms according to field data |
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Effects of abortion and other risk factors on conception rate in Iranian dairy herds |
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Growth performance nutrient digestibility ruminal fermentation and rumen development of calves during transition from liquid to solid feed Effects of physical form of starter feed and forage provision |
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Nutrient intake rumen fermentation and growth performance of dairy calves fed extruded full-fat soybean as a replacement for soybean meal |
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Genetic and phenotypic analyses for profitability in Iranian Holsteins |
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Performance and financial consequences of stillbirth in Holstein dairy cattle |
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قيمت گذاري شير در ايران چالش ها و راهكارها |
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اثر سطح توليد و منبع مكمل چربي بر عملكرد توليد، گوارش پذيري مواد مغذي و فراسنجه هاي خوني گاوهاي هلشتاين تك شكمزا تحت تنش گرمايي |
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Abortion studies in Iranian dairy herds I. Risk factors for abortion |
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برآورد فراسنجه هاي ژنتيكي و فنوتيپي براي سودآوري در سه دوره اول شيردهي گاوهاي هلشتاين ايران |
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Estimation of Economic Values for Fertility Stillbirth and Milk Production Traits in Iranian Holstein Dairy Cows |
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ويژگي هاي فيزيكي، تركيب شيميايي و زير بخش هاي پروتئيني تفاله هاي چغندر قند ايران در مقايسه با مقادير جداول سيستم كربوهيدرات و پروتئين خالص كرنل |
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Effect of Calf Birth Weight on Milk Production of Holstein Dairy Cattle in Desert Climate |
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تحليل فنوتيپي رخداد سقط در گاوهاي هلشتاين ايران |
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Shredded beet pulp substituted for corn silage in diets fed to dairy cows under ambient heat stress feed intake total-tract digestibility plasma metabolites and milk production |
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Response of lactating dairy cows to degree of steam-flaked barley grain in low-forage diets |
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A comparison of the effect of soybeans roasted at different temperatures versus calcium salts of fatty acids on performance and milk fatty acid composition of mid-lactation Holstein cows |
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تاثير مقدار يونجه خشك و جايگزيني دانه ذرت با ساير غلات در خوراك آغازين بر عملكرد گوساله هاي هلشتاين قبل و پس از شيرگيري - فراتحليل |
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دوقلوزايي در گاوهاي هلشتاين ايران عوامل موثر بر ميزان وقوع و پيامدهاي توليدي و توليد مثلي |
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