Advanced Mathematical Logic: Learning outcomes
Propositional calculus and first-order logic. Theorem proving, Model theory, soundness, completeness, and compactness, Herbrand’s theorem, Skolem-Lowenheim theorems, Craig interpolation. Theory of computation and recursive function theory, Church’s thesis, computability and undecidability. Feasible computability and complexity. Peano arithmetic and the incompleteness theorems, nonstandard models.
Advanced Mathematical Logic Fall 2013:Course Aims and Assessment
Distinguishing two levels in studying logic is customary. At the sentential or truth-functional level, simple declarative sentences are the basic units of analysis. Complex statements are built up from these basic units by means of truth-functional connectives. Symbolically, simple statements are represented by sentence letters and the connectives through special symbols.
What is the Mathematical Logic?
Mathematical logic is a subfield of mathem
Advanced Mathematical Logic: Syllabus & Learning outcomes
Cantor, Frege and the paradoxes. Solutions to the problem of paradoxes. Hilbert and formalism,
Brouwer and intuitionism. Hilbert's Programme. Completeness, incompleteness,