Employment Experience


Research Associate, Post Doctoral Fellow, Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies, University of Toronto, Pratt& Whitney Inc, Inco Inc., Canada & GE Global Research Centre, USA                              


Process Engineer & Mechanical Designer, 7 Abshar Nilgon Company, Iran

Relative Experiences

· Scientific paper reviewer of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science.

· Scientific paper reviewer of Journal of Surface and Coatings Technology.

· Scientific paper reviewer of Journal of Materials Science.

· Scientific paper reviewer of Journal of Coatings Technology and Research.

Scholarships & Academics Awards

· Certificate of Merit Award, Thermal Spray Society TSS, ITSC 2006, Seattle, WA, USA

· Award of Merit, Discovery 2006, Ontario Centers of Excellence, ON, Canada

· Mechanical and Industrial Eng., University of Toronto, Research Assistantship, 2004-2005, $15,000 CAD

· School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto, 2005, $2500 CAD


· Zirconia Splat Formation and Coating Layer Build Up, CACT Annual Report 2006, GE Global Research, Jan. 2007.

· Zirconia Splat Formation and Coating Layer Build Up, CACT Annual Report 2005, GE Global Research, Jan. 2006.

· Fundamentals and Applications of Thermal Spray, CACT Annual Consortium, Sept. 2004.

· Performed and characterized coatings on spot welding electrodes, Huys Industries, CACT, 2003.


Disclosures and Patents

Improvement of Open-Pore Metal Foam Properties for High Temperature Applications by Thermally Sprayed Coatings, Confidential Invention Disclosure, RIS # 10001781, received May 30, 2008.· 


Process for Depositing Skin on Open Pore Foams by Thermal Spray Techniques, Confidential Invention Disclosure, RIS #10001845, received October 9, 2008.



1. “Metal foam sandwich structure as a high temperature heat exchanger”, 2008 International Thermal Spray Conference & Exposition, June 2008, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

2. “Effect of Substrate Temperature and Droplet Characteristics on Plasma Sprayed Zirconia Splats”, International Thermal Spray Conference, ITSC 2006, May 2006, Seattle, WA, USA.