2007- 2009
Research Associate, Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies, University of Toronto, Pratt& Whitney Inc, Inco Inc., Plasco Inc., Canada.
· Manufacturing and evaluation of sandwich structures from Ni-based superalloy foam in the core and thermal sprayed skin on the surface by thermal spray processes for high temperature heat exchange applications such as combustion chamber shroud in turbine engines.
2005- 2007
Research Associate, Post Doctoral Fellow, Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies, University of Toronto & GE Global Research Centre, NY, USA, Green Belting Inc. Canada.
· Yttria stabilized zirconia single splat formation and nanoscale coating deposition by atmospheric plasma spraying for solid oxide fuel cells application.
Research Assistant, Doctoral Candidate, University of Toronto and Pyrogenesis Inc, Montreal, Canada
· Fabricated, heat treated, and characterized a variety of the near-net-shaped materials and composites such as Nickel based Super alloys, Ti-6Al-4V, B4C, Zirconia, and WC/Co using different deposition methods such as APS, VPS and HVOF.
· Performed Systematic metallographic observations, heat treatments, and surface characterizations on the coated materials fabricated by plasma spray techniques.
· Performed mechanical, thermo mechanical, and metallurgical tests such as creep, hardness, tensile test, TEM, SEM, EDS, XRD, XPS, SIMS, Raman spectroscopy, Micro and Nano-hardness, image analyzing on metallic and ceramic samples.
· Conducted advanced studies on the properties and characteristics of surfaces and deposits on various engineering structures.
· Performed and characterized wear resistance coatings on spot welding electrodes (copper) for Huys Industries.
Research Assistant, Isfahan University of Technology
· Designed and fabricated a custom made HFCVD system for diamond coating.
· Deposited diamond films on silicon wafers and cemented carbide tool inserts.
Undergraduate Research, Isfahan University of Technology
· Generated a Computational model for steel casting. Supervisor: Prof. A. Najafi zadeh