Design of a 6 DOFs prismatic industrial Robot. (With Dr. H. Mousavi)1995
Isfahan University of Technology
Design and manufacture of an experimental ring rolling mill. (With Dr. M. Salimi)1999-2001
Isfahan University of Technology
Establishing the hydraulics and pneumatics lab. (With Mr. B. Dibaeinia)2003
Isfahan University of Technology
Establishing the metal parts manufacturing group. (With Dr. M. Salimi)2004
Isfahan University of Technology
Design and implement pneumatic system of RoboCup mobile robots. (With Dr. A. R. Fadaiee) 2001
Isfahan University of Technology
Increasing fracture resistance of the spirally welded oil and gas pipes. 2003-2005
Sadid Pipe and Equipment Co.
Design and manufacturing RC Boat (with Dr. A. Sedaghat) 2007-2008
Isfahan University of Technology
Optimization of the manufacturing process of the spirally welded oil and gas pipes.2005-2007
Sadid Pipe and Equipment Co.
Evaluation of the trend of technology in hot and cold rolling workshops. (With Dr. M Salimi) 1999
Iran National Steel Companies
Investigations onto fracture mechanisms of the pinch-roll covers (With Dr. Nori Khorasani) 2007
Iran National Steel Companies
Evolution of the vibration mechanisms on hot rolling stands while calibration and rolling. 2008
Iran National Steel Companies