Conference Papers

  1. Moheb, A. and Heidari, M., "Effect of cross-linking time on the mechanical and thermal stability of poly (vinyl alcohol) membrane", Proceeding of The 1st National Conference on Membrane and Membrane Processes, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2011.


Students Supervision


I have supervised a number of undergraduate as well as graduate students’ projects in chemical engineering department about separation processes and membrane processes as well as water treatment.


B.Sc. Thesis: 48 Completed

M.Sc. Thesis: 49 Completed, 10 Being Supervised

Refereed Journal Papers

  1. Sadeghian, M., Sadeghi, M., Hesampour, M., and Moheb, A., “Application of response surface methodology (RSM) to optimize operating conditions during ultrafiltration of oil-in-water emulsion”, Accepted for publication inDesalination and Water Treatment.



Academic Experience:


Mar. 2011-Present



Sep.2006- Mar. 2011



Nov. 1997–Sep. 2006





Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran