Conference Papers

  1. Moheb, A. and Heidari, M., "Effect of cross-linking time on the mechanical and thermal stability of poly (vinyl alcohol) membrane", Proceeding of The 1st National Conference on Membrane and Membrane Processes, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2011.


  1. MohebShahrestani, M., Moheb, A. and Ghiaci, M., "Synthesis of NaA zeolite membrane using vacuum seeding method for dehydration of water/ethanol mixture", Proceeding of The 1st National Conference on Membrane and Membrane Processes, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2011.


  1. Eskandari, H.andMoheb, A., "Manufacturing flat ceramic membrane support by modified gel casting method and evaluating the effect of important parameters on the support microscopic structure", Proceeding of The 1st National Conference on Membrane and Membrane Processes, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2011.


  1. Akbari, L., Masoomi, M. and Moheb, A., "Investigating the effect of synthesis parameters on the microscopic structure of polysulfone membrane", Proceeding of The 1st National Conference on Membrane and Membrane Processes, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2011.


  1. Mehdipourghazi, M. and Moheb, A., "Separation of xylene isomers by pervaporation process using B-MFI zeolite membrane synthesized by microwave heating", Proceeding of The 1st National Conference on Membrane and Membrane Processes, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2011.


  1. Ghahremanfard, A.R., Sadeghi, M., Moheb, A. and Hesampour, M., "Separation of nitrate ion and salt by commercial nanofiltration membrane", Proceeding of The 1st National Conference on Membrane and Membrane Processes, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2011.


  1. Naghsh, M., Sadeghi, M., Bolverdi M., Pourafshari, , A., Moheb, A. and Mohagheghian, M., "Reverse selectivity in ethylene/ethane separation using cellulose acetate-silica nanocomposite membrane", Proceeding of The 1st National Conference on Membrane and Membrane Processes, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2011.


  1. Ghahremanfard, A.R., Sadeghi, M., Moheb, A. and Hesampour, M., "Effect of operating pressure on the costs of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis processes", Proceeding of the 13th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Kermanshah, Iran,Nov. 2011.


  1. Naghavi, Z. And Moheb, A., "Mathematical modeling of a heat pump dryer and evaluation of the effect of using heat pump on the energy consumption of the dryer", Proceeding of The 18th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, May 2010.


  1. Ameri, E. And Moheb, A., "Using PERVAP®2201 membrane in vapour permeation facilitated isopropanol propionate production through esterification reaction", Proceeding of The 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran. Nov. 2009.


  1. Keramati, N., Moheb, A., and Ehsani, M.R., "Application of ED and EDI processes in NaOH recovery from Merox spent caustic waste ", Proceeding of International Conference on Advances in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Tehran, Iran, Nov .2009.


  1. Keramati, N., Moheb, A., and Ehsani, M.R., "NaOHrecovery from waste stream of Merox process using electrodialysis", Proceeding of International Conference on Advances in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Tehran, Iran, Nov .2009.


  1. Soltani, B. And Moheb, A., "Experimental study on removal of MTBE from aqueous solutionby exfoliated graphite", Proceeding of International Conference on Advances in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Tehran, Iran, Nov .2009.


  1. Basiri, F., Moheb, A., HosseiniRavandi, A., and Feiz, M., "Dye pollutant removal from water by membrane filtration using a membrane made by electrospinning of submicron Nylon 6 fiber", Proceeding of International Conference on Advances in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Tehran, Iran, Nov .2009.


  1. Goshadrou, A. and Moheb, A., "Mathematical modelling of dye removal from aqueous solution in a fixed bed column using exfoliated graphite as adsorbent", Proceeding of International Conference on Advances in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Tehran, Iran, Nov .2009.


  1. Goshadrou, A. and Moheb, A., "Adsorption isotherm studies of acid dye removal by exfoliated graphite", Proceeding of International Conference on Advances in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, Tehran, Iran, Nov .2009.


  1. Sabouri, O., Pishevar, A.R., Moheb. A., and Ebrahimian, A., "Effect of different operational conditions on the performance of a polymeric fuel cell", Proceeding of 3rdIranian Seminar on Fuel Cell, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2009.


  1. Barmala, M., Moheb, A., and Emadi, R., "Optimization of the synthesis condition ofnano-porous alumina membrane by slip casting method", Proceeding of 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Micro- and Mesoporous Materials, Albena, Bulgeria, Sep. 2009.


  1. Soleymani, M., Moheb, A., and Joudaki, E., "Hydrogen peroxide decomposition overLa1−xCaxMnO3 (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) perovskites", Proceeding of 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Micro- and Mesoporous Materials, Albena, Bulgeria, Sep. 2009.


  1. Soleymani, M., Moheb, A., and Joudaki, E., "Synthesis and characterization ofnanoporous La0.6Ca0.4MnO3perovskiteoxide with large surface area by modified citrate gel precursor method", Proceeding of 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Micro- and Mesoporous Materials, Albena, Bulgeria, Sep. 2009.


  1. Salehi, Z., Moheb, A., Roodpeyma, Sh., and Mohammadi, T., "Modelling of pervaporation separation of organic-organic mixtures through polymeric membranes by using UNIFAC equation", Proceeding of 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Micro- and Mesoporous Materials, Albena, Bulgeria, Sep. 2009.


  1. Keramati, N., Moheb, A., and Ehsani, M.R., "Application of electrodialysis for NaOH recovery from waste stream of merox process", Proceeding of 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Canada, Aug. 2009.


  1. Ameri, E. And Moheb, A., "Dehydration of isopropanol solution by using NaA zeolite membrane in vapour permeation process", Proceeding of First Conference of Separation Science and Engineering , Kerman, Iran, May. 2009.


  1. Soltani, B., Moheb, A., and Mehdipourghazi, M., "Separation of MTBE/methanol mixture using exfoliated graphite adsorbent", Proceeding of First Conference of Separation Science and Engineering, Kerman, Iran, May. 2009.


  1. Mehdipourghazi, M., Moheb, A., and Roodpeyma, Sh., "Recovery of naphthalene from Arak petrochemical complex cracked fuel oil", Proceeding of First Conference of Separation Scienceand Engineering, Kerman, Iran, May. 2009.


  1. Sabouri, O., Pishevar, A.R., Moheb. A., and Ebrahimian, A., "Effect of different parameters on the performance of a polymeric fuel cell", Proceeding of 1stNational Conference of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell, Tehran, Iran, Jan. 2009.


  1. Ebrahimian, A., Pishevar, A.R., Moheb. A., and Sabouri, O., "Study on the effect thickness variation and electrolyte ionic resistance on the performance of a electrolyte supported plate solid oxide fuel cell", Proceeding of 1stNational Conference of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell, Tehran, Iran, Jan. 2009.


  1. Torki, M., Sadeghi, M., DavazdahEmami, M., and Moheb, A., "Design and development of a heat pump rough rice dryer: A study of energy and quality", Proceeding of 10th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture, Antalya, Turkey, Oct. 2008.


  1. Emadi, A., NouriKhorasani, S., and Moheb, A., "The Effect of particlesize and concentration of MDH on flammability and mechanical properties of high density polyethylene and ethyl vinyl acetate (HDPE/EVA) compound",Proceeding of 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague, Chech Republic, Aug. 2008.


  1. Mehdipourghazi, M., Moheb, A., "ZSM-5 Zeolite membrane preparation, A review", Proceeding of Iran International Zeolite Conference, Tehran, Iran, Apr. 2008.


  1. Ameri, E., Moheb, A., "Application of zeolite membranes in the membrane reactors", Proceeding of Iran International Zeolite Conference, Tehran, Iran, Apr. 2008.


  1. Heydari, M., Moheb, A., "The mixed matrix membranes made with zeolite and Polymer", Proceeding of Iran International Zeolite Conference, Tehran, Iran, Apr. 2008.


  1. Emadi, A., NouriKhorasani, S., and Moheb, A., "The Effect of particle size and concentration of ATH on flammability and mechanical properties of high density polyethylene and ethyl vinyl acetate (HDPE/EVA) compound", Proceeding of The 5th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran. Jan. 2008.


  1. Mehdipourghazi, M., Moheb, A., and Roodpeyma, Sh., "A hybrid and economical method for recovery of naphthalene from CFO”, Proceeding of 11th NationalChemical Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran,Nov. 2006.


  1. Pazoki, M., and Moheb, A., "Investigation of effective parameters on selective separation of chromium from aqueous  containing copper by electrodialysis process in the presence of complexing agent", Proceeding of 11th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran,Nov. 2006.


  1. Kianfar, Sh., Moheb, A., and Ghaforian, H., "Biological adsorption of lead ion from aqueous solutions using MGL (1390) biomass", Proceeding of 11thNational Chemical Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran,Nov. 2006.


  1. Ghafari-Nik, O., Moheb, A., and Mohammadi, T., "Pervaporation ofehylenglycol/ water Mixtures using NaA zeolite membrane", Proceeding of International Congress of Chemistry and Environment (ICCE 2005), India, Dec. 2005.


  1. Ghafari-Nik, O., Moheb, A., Abdollahi, M., and Mohammadi, T., "Experimantalstudy of dehydration of ethyleneglycol/ water solution by pervaporation process using anew industrial tubular zeolite membrane", Proceeding of 10th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Zahedan, Iran,Nov. 2005.


  1. Bayat, A., Aghamiri, F., Moheb, A., and Vakilinejad, Gh., "Adsorption of oil from Sea water by exfoliated graphite", Proceeding of 9th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran,Nov. 2004


  1. Bayat, A., Aghamiri, F., and Moheb, A., "Oil spill cleanup using sorbent material", Proceeding of 2nd National Seminar of Chemistry and Environment, Isfahan, Iran, Jan. 2004.


  1. Moheb, A., Etemad, S.Gh., and Pahlavani, L. "The comparison of the performance of electrodialysis and electrodeionization in the removal of metallic ions", Proceeding of 1st Workshop on Desalination Technology and Its Impact on the Coastal Environment, Dubai, UAE, Dec. 2003.


  1. Pahlavani, L., Moheb, A., Etemad, S.Gh., "Electrodeionization: simultaneous use of electrodialysis and ion exchange processes", Proceeding of 1st Workshop on Desalination Technology and Its Impact on the Coastal Environment, Dubai, UAE, Dec. 2003.


  1. Bayat, A., Aghamiri, F., Moheb, A., and Vakilinejad, Gh.,"Oil cleanup from water using sorbent material",Proceeding of 8th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Mashhad, Iran,Oct. 2003.


  1. Pahlavani, L., Moheb, A., Etemad, S.Gh., "Ion removing from water with simultaneous use of electrodialysis and ion exchange processes", Proceeding of 8th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Mashhad, Iran, Oct.2003.


  1. Majidpour, A., Roodpeyma, Sh., Moheb, A., and Ehsani, M.R., "Simulation of separation system in styrene unit of Tabriz petrochemical complex", Proceeding of 7thNational Chemical Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran,Oct. 2002.


  1. Moheb, A., "Modelling of batch electrodialysis process of an alkali solution by using of an inorganic zirconium dioxide membrane", Proceeding of 7th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran,Oct. 2002.


  1. Mirzaei, R., Moheb, A., and Ghomashchi, T., " Dynamicsimulation of sour water stripper of Isfahan refinery", Proceeding of 7th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran,Oct. 2002.


  1. Moshkelani, M., Moheb, A., and Etemad, S.Gh., "Numerical blood flow simulation through arterial stenosis", Proceeding of 7th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, Oct. 2002.


  1. Moshkelani, M., Etemad, S.Gh., and Moheb, A., " Comparison of non-newtonian and newtonianblood flow through stenosedarteries", Proceeding of 7th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, Oct. 2002.


  1. Moradi, M., Moheb, A., and Etemad, S.Gh. " Non-newtonianheat transfer through double pipe heat exchanger, ", Proceeding of 7th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, Oct. 2002.


  1. Moheb, A., Savani, J., and Moradian, A., "Technical and economical evaluation of dissolved oxygen removal by hydrogen injection", Proceeding of 6th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Isfahan, Iran, June 2001.


  1. Moheb, A., Safavi, Y., and Fallah, N., "Specific corrosion of phosphates in high pressure power plants' boilers", Proceeding of 6th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Isfahan, Iran, June 2001.


  1. Moheb, A., "Application of zirconium dioxide membrane in electrodialysis", Proceeding of 14th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prague, Chech Republic, Aug. 2000.