Operation and protection of equipment for measuring marine characteristics of the country
Operation and protection of equipment for measuring marine characteristics of the country
Operation and protection of equipment for measuring marine characteristics of the country
Design and construction of a ship hull cleaning system in water
Partial design of underwater robot with mechanical arm and presentation of sample production plan (two per thousand)
Design and construction of underwater robot for inspection of underwater oil pipes and platforms (102) (Sadra Company)
Purchase and delivery of optimization equipment for three waveguides and other measuring devices
Installation of mother stations and buoys in Ashnour
Protection and maintenance of a wave buoy device in Amirabad port
Design and manufacture of waveguide
Acquisition of technical knowledge of surface and subsurface floating hydrodynamic tests By equipping the existing water channel with the required sensors and equipment and performing related tests
Repair of two Bilal platform salt water pumps
Construction of twenty booys ready to restrain the ship for use in the operational areas of Kharg Lavan Siri and Bahregan Company (Offshore Oil Company of Iran)
Optimization of three waveguide devices and other measuring devices
Design, construction, installation and commissioning of the national marine monitoring and forecasting network of the country
Preliminary design of mechanical components of a 4.5 MW motor desired by the client
Design and manufacture of 250 kW permanent magnet motor
Construction and delivery of ten coastal meteorological stations, phase seven: installation and commissioning of seven equipment and training for operation of phase eight: installation of ten coastal meteorological stations and establishment of seven complete coastal stations equipped with hardware and software equipment
Review and analysis of annual data of Astara waveguide
Preliminary design of mechanical components of a 4.5 MW motor desired by the client
Causes of premature wear and corrosion of equipment in Dolatabad and Habibabad industrial areas and offering new economic solutions to reduce its effects
Localization and development of key sub-surface technologies