
1. Translation of “Principles of Dairy Science” Written by Schmidt to Farsi.

2. Translation of “Minerals in human and animal nutrition” written by McDowell.

3. Translation of “Metabolic diseases of dairy cows”.

4. Translation of “Advanced dairy Cow management”.

5. Translation of “Practical techniques for dairy farmers”.

6. Forage Management and Successful Feeding for Dairly Cows.

7. Translation of "Rumen Microbiology & Its Role In Ruminant Nutrition".


1. Ghorbani, G. R., J. A. Jackson and R. W. Hemken 1989. Performance of Holstein calves fed varying addition of endophyte infected tall fescue. Nut. Rep.Inter. 40:931-938.

2. Ghorbani. G. R., J. A. Jackson, and R. W. Hemken. 1989. Effects of sodium bicarbonate and sodium sesquicarbonate in animal performance, ruminal metabolism and systemic acid - base status. J. Dairy Sci. 72:2039-2045.  (PDF)

Work Experience

1. Faculty of Animal Sciences Dept at Isfahan Univ. of Tech. since 1989.

2. Deputy of education of the Agriculture college from 1989-1990. 

3. Head of the Animal sciences Dept. from 1991-1997. 

4. Professor since 2004. 

5. President of IUT from 2005 to 1 Feb. 2010

6. Executive member of Animal Science Association of the country since 2005.


PhD Students

1. Omid Dayyani, Ghorbani, G. R. 2004. The effects of oilseeds on ruminal protozoa, milk production, milk fatty acid profile and yield of conjugated linoleic acid.

2. Abbas Ali Gheisari, Ghorbani, G. R. 2004. Effects of Different Levels of Dietary Vitamins C, E and Fat on Performance, Immune Responses and Meat Oxidative Stability in Heat-Stressed Broiler Chicks.

3. Mohammad Khorvash, Ghorbani, G. R. 2006. Use of absorbents and inoculants to enhance the quality of corn silage.



1. Ghorbani, G. R., D. Morgavi, K. Beauchemin. 2001. Subclinical ruminal acidosis in feedlot cattle fed a barley-based diet. J. Anim. Sci. 79(Suppl. 1): 357.

2. Ghorbani, G. R., and A. Jafari. 2002. Effect of oxytocin injection before milking, attachment delay of milking teacup and milking frequency on performance of Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 85(Suppl. 1): 350.