
1. Ghorbani, G. R., J. A. Jackson and R. W. Hemken 1989. Performance of Holstein calves fed varying addition of endophyte infected tall fescue. Nut. Rep.Inter. 40:931-938.

2. Ghorbani. G. R., J. A. Jackson, and R. W. Hemken. 1989. Effects of sodium bicarbonate and sodium sesquicarbonate in animal performance, ruminal metabolism and systemic acid - base status. J. Dairy Sci. 72:2039-2045.  (PDF)

3. Ghorbani. G. R., J. A. Jackson, R. W. Hemken, L. P. Bush, and M. R. Siegel. 1991. Performance of lactating dairy cows fed varieties of endophyte- free tall fescue. J. Prod. Agric. 1:9-13.

4. Ghorbani. G. R., J. A. Jackson, and R. W. Hemken. 1995. Influence of increasing dietary cation- anion balance on the performance of lactating dairy cattle. Iran Agric. Res. 14:157-174.

 5. Shahmoradi M., and G. R. Ghorbani. 1996. Effects of Zeranol implantation on fattening performance and carcass characteristics of ram and wether Ghezel lambs. Iranian J. Agric. Sci. 27: 15-28.

6. Tabatabaee, S. N., and G. R. Ghorbani. 1997. Comparative effects of feeding millet versus barley on yield and composition of milk in Holstein cows. Iran.Agric. Res. 16:39-50.

7. Samadi, F., and G. R. Ghorbani. 1997. Effects of daily exogenous oxytocin injections on milk production and fat yield in Holstein cows. Agric. Res. 16:119-126.

8. Ghorbani, G. R. 1997. The effect of ISO-fibrous and ISO-cation -anion balance in lactating Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 80 (suppl.1): 263.

9. Mahmoudian, H. R., G. R. Ghorbani, and T. Mousavi. 1997. The colostral composition of indigenous cows of Iran and the effects of their colostrum on the serum immunoglobulin Holstein calves. J. Dairy. Sci. 80(suppl.1) 195.

10. Samadi, P. H., G. R. Ghorbani, and V. Babapoor. 1997. The effects of daily oxygenous injections on the percentage of milk fat. Agric. Sci. and Natural Resources. 4: 49-53

11. Ranjbari, A. R., G. R. Ghorbani, M. Basiri, M. Sadeghian, and M. Rasti. 1998. Mineral status of range plants in semi-arid areas of Isfahan province for grazing ruminants. Iran. Agric. Res.17: 151-160.

12. Azarfar A., G. R. Ghorbani, Y. Asadi, and A. Al-Modares. 1999. Dry matter, organic matter and starch degradability of barley and three varieties of sorghum with different levels of tannin . Agri. Danesh 7:71-82.

13. Ghorbani. G. R., A. Azar-far, Y. Assadi, and M. R Ebadi. 1999. Effects of replacing barley with two sorghum varieties for fattening of Chezel lambs. Agric, Danesh. 7:211-231.

14. Alikhani M. and G. R. Ghorbani. 1999. Effect of feeding different ratios of alfalfa hay and corn silage with similar NDF and cation-anion balance in lactating dairy cows. J. Sci. and Tech. Agric. and Nat. Resour. 3:93-103.  (PDF)

15. Borjie, M., G. R. Ghorbani and M. A. Shariatzadeh. 1999. Effect of diets containing calcium salts of fatty acids on performance of dairy cows in middle of lactation. Agriculture Danesh. 9: 44-56.

16. Karami, M., G. R. Ghorbani and M. Alikhani. 1999. Utilization of fruit juice factory by-products in diets of fattening lambs. Modarres Agric. Sci. 1: 65-73.

17. Ghorbani G. R., F. Assadi, J. Shodja, 1999. Determination of protein degradability in 36 vatieties of sorghum grain by in-situ method. Agri. Danesh. 9: 49-64.

18. Azarfar. A., G. R. Ghorbani, Y. Assadi, A. Al-Modres. 1999. Dry matter, organic matter, and starch degradability of barley and three varieties of sorghum with different levels of tannin. Agric, Danesh. 8:55-71.

19. Mosharaf, S. H., G. R. Ghorbani, A. Asadian and M. Alikhani. 2000. Effects of substituting sorghum grain for barley on milk yield and composition of dairy cows. Iran. Agric. Res. 19: 17-28.

20. Rasti, M., G. R. Ghorbani, A. Samadi and M. Khorvash. 2000. Determination of corn contamination with aflatoxin B1 in central feed silos of Isfahan. Agric. Sci & Tech. 14: 11-18.

21. Gharehaghaji, A. A., M. Morshed and G. R. Ghorbani. 2000. A study on physical and structural properties of Angora rabbit hair. Iranian J. Agric. Sci. 31: 311-319.

22. Foroozandeh, A., A. H. Samie and G. R. Ghorbani. 2001. Study of growth potential of Naeini lambs fed with rations of different levels of energy and protein. J. Sci. & Agric. & Nat. Resour. 5: 149-160.  (PDF)

23. Shadnoosh, G., G. R. Ghorbani and M. A. Edris. 2001. Effects of energy level and weight of slaughter on performance of Lori-Bakhtiari lambs. Agriculture Danesh. 11: 79-89.

24. Ghoorchi T., M. Rezaiean, S. Rahimi and G. R. Ghorbani. 2001. Degradation of dry matter and fibric materials of cereals straw by rumen anaerobic fungi. J. Vetr. College. 56: 1-6. (PDF)

25. Mousavi T., H. R. Mahmoudian Fard, and G. R. Ghorbani. 2001. Comparing antibodies and components of colostrums of Golpaigani and Holstein cows at different stages of Lactations. Pajouhesh & Sazandegi. 49: 120-123.

26. Ghorbani, G. R., D. Morgavi, K. Beauchemin. 2002. Effect of bacterial-DFM on ruminal fermentation, blood variables, and the microbial population of feedlot cattle. J Anim. Sci. 80:1977-1985.

27. Ghorbani, G. R. and A. Hadj-Hussaini. 2002. In situ rumen degradability of Iranian barley grain cultivars. Small Rum. Res. 44: 207-212. (pdf)

28. Ghorbani, G. R., M. Ghahdarijani, and M. Alikhani. 2002. Effects of barley grain particle size on dairy cow performance. Iran Agri. Res. 21: 119-132.

29. Ghorbani, G. R., and M. M. Sharifi-hosaini. 2002. The effects of cultivar and location on composition and in vitro digestibility of winter and spring wheat straw. Iran Agri. Res. 21: 15-26.

30. Ghorbani, G. R., A. Moradi, and M. Alikhani. 2002. Effects of barley grain particle size on dairy cow performance. Iran Agri. Res. 21: 119-132.

31. Ghoorchi T., S. Rahimi, M. Rezaiean and G. R. Ghorbani. 2002. Production of ylanase enzyme on ten feeds by rumen anaerobic fungi. J. Agric. Sci. Natur. Resour. 9: 179-191.

32. Ghorbani G. R., D. P. Morgavi, K. A. Beauchemin, and J. A. Z. Leedle. 2002. Effects of bacterial direct-fed microbials on ruminal fermentation, blood variables, and the microbial populations of feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 80: 1977-1985.

33. Gheisar, A. A., A. H. Samie, T. Mousavi, J. Pourreza, and G. R. Ghorbani. 2002. Effects of Dietary Vitamin C, E and Fat on CD4 to CD8 T Cell Rations in Peripheral Blood of Heat-stressed Broiler Chicks. Arch. Razi Ins. 54: 65-75.

34. Dayani, O., and G. R. Ghorbani. 2003. Effect of replacement alfalfa hay with straw in Isofibrous diets with different levels of cation-anion balance on dairy cows performance. Iran Agri. Res. 22:15-28.

35. Ghoorchi T., S. Rahimi, M. Rezaeian and G. R. Ghorbani. 2003. Degradation of Dry Matter and Fiber of Five Feeds by Rumen Anaerobic Fungi of Sheep. J. Sci. & Agric. & Natur. Resour. 7: 141-150.

36. Borji, M., Sh. Rahimi, G. R. Ghorbani, J. Vand yoosefi, and H. Fazaeli. 2003. Isolation and identification of some bacteria from termites Gut capable in degrading straw lignin and Polysaccharides. J. Fac. Vet. Med. Univ. Tehran. 58, 3: 249-256.

37. Beauchemin K. A., W. Z. Yang, D. P. Morgavi, G. R. Ghorbani, and W. Kautz. 2003. Effects of bacterial direct-fed microbials and yeast on site and extent of digestion, blood chemistry, and subclinical ruminal acidosis on feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 1628-1640.

38. Pishnamazi, R., G. R. Ghorbani and M. Alikhani. 2003. In situ dry matter and crude protein degradability in corn, wheat and millet grain. Iran Agri. Res., 22: 197-205.

39. Asadi Alamouti A., M. Alikhai, G. R. Ghorbani and A. Samie. 2004. Effects of Different Additives on Fermentation Quality of Millet Silage in Laboratory Silos. J. Sci. & Agric. & Natur. Resour. 8: 149-161. (PDF)

40. Babashahi M., G. R. Ghorbani and H. R. Rahmani. 2004. Relationship between Blood and Milk Urea Nitrogen and Fertility in Dairy Cows. J. Sci. & Agric. & Natur. Resour. 8: 171-179.  (PDF)

41. Mehrdad N., M. Alikhai and G. R. Ghorbani. 2004. Effect of Cutting and Growth Stages on Chemical Coposition and Degradability of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa). J. Sci. & Agric. & Natur. Resour. 8: 159-168.  (PDF)

42. Alikhani M., O. Fallahpour and G. R. Ghorbani. 2004. Effects of Substituting Barley with Macaroni Wastes on Milk Production and Composition in Lactating Dairy Cows. J. Sci. & Agric. & Natur. Resour. 8: 145-156. (PDF)

43. Yang W. Z., K. A. Beauchemin, D. D. Vedres, G. R. Ghorbani, D. Colombatto, D. P. Morgavi. 2004. Effects of direct-fed microbial supplementation on ruminal acidosis, digestibility, and bacterial protein synthesis in continuous culture. Animal Feed Sci. and Tech., 114: 179-193.

44. Dayani O., G. R. Ghorbani, T. Entz, C. M. Ross, M. A. Shah, K. A. Beauchemin, P. S. Mir, and Z. Mir. 2004. Effect of dietary soybean or sunflower seeds on milk production, milk fatty acid profile and yield of conjugated linoleic acid. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 84: 113-124.

45. Shadnoush G. H., G. R. Ghorbani, M. A. Edris. 2004. Effect of different energy levels in feed and slaughter weights on carcass and chemical composition of Lori-Bakhtiari ram lambs. Small Rumin. Res. 41: 243-249.

46. Sadri H., G. R. Ghorbani, M. Babaei and M. Alikhani. 2004. The effect of different processing methods of barley in Holstein dairy cows. J. of Anim. and Feed Sci. 13: 203-206.

47. G. R. Ghorbani and A. Nikkhah. 2004 and 2005. Research Note: Crude protein fractionation and fiber analysis of commercial non-forage fiber sources for ruminants in central Iran. Iran Agricultural Research, Shiraz University, 23(2) and 24(1): 51-58.

48. Alikhani M., A. A. Alamooti, G. R. Ghorbani and N. Sadeghi. 2005. Effect of Urea, Molasses and a Bacterial Inoculants on Chemical Composition and Dry Matter Degradability of Sunflower Silage. J. Sci. & Agric. & Natur. Resour. 9: 171-183.(PDF)

49. Hadj Heidari S. A., G. R. Ghorbani and M. Alikhani. 2005. Comparison of Cottonseed Meal and Fish Meal Fed to Dairy Cows Receiving Rapidly Degradable Diets in Holstein Cows. J. Sci. & Agric. & Natur. Resour. 9: 109-118.  (PDF)

50. Forouzmand M. A., G. R. Ghorbani and M. Alikhani. 2006. Influence of hybrid and maturity on the nutritional value of corn silage for lactating dairy cows. 4(6): 435-441. (PDF)

51. Mostafa Tehrani A., A. Zare Shahneh, G. R. Ghorbani, S. A. Mirhadi. 2006. Experimental study on efficacy of supplemental organic and inorganic chromium in feeding of Shal fattening lambs. J. Fac. Vet. Ed. Univ. Tehran. 59. 4: 325-331.

52. Khorvash M., D. Colombatt, K. A. Beauchemin, G. R. Ghorbani and A. Samei. 2006. Use of absorbants and inoculants to enhance the quality of corn silage. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 86: 97-107. (PDF)

53. Maesoomi S. M., G. R. Ghorbani, M. Alikhani and A. Nikkhah. 2006. Canola meal as a substitute for cottonseed meal in diet of midlactation Holsteins. J. Dairy Sci. 89: 1673-1677. (PDF)

54. Bakhshi N., G. R. Ghorbani, H. R. Rahmani and A. Samie. 2006. Effect of probiotic and milk feeding frequency on performance of dairy Holstein calves. Small Ruminant Reasearch. 1(2): 113-119.

55. Mostafa-Tehrani A., G. R. Ghorbani, A. Zare-Shahneh and S. Mirhadi. 2006. Non-carcass components and wholesale cuts of Iranian fat-tailed lambs fed chromium nicotinate or chromium chloride. Small Ruminant Reasearch. 63: 12-19.

56. Arzani H., M. Basiri, F. Khatibi and G. R. Ghorbani. 2006. Nutritive value of some Zagros Mountain rangeland species. Small Ruminant Research. 65: 128-135.

57. Ghorbani G. R. , A. Jafari, A. H. Samie and A. Nikkhah. 2007. Effects of Applying Exogenous, Non-Starch Polysaccharidases to Pre-Weaning Starter Concentrate on Performance of Holstein Calves. International Journal of Dairy Science, USA, 2(1): 79-84. (PDF)  

58. Yaghoubi M. J., G. R. Ghorbani, S. Soleimanian Zad and R. Satari. 2007. Antimicrobial activity of Iranian prpolis and its chemical composition. Daru 1(15). (PDF)

59. Dayani A., G. R. Ghorbani, M. Alikhani, H. R. Rahmani and P. S. Mir. 2007. Effects of Dietary whole cottonseed and crude protein level on rumen protozoal population and fermentation parameters. Small Ruminant Research 69: 36-45.

60. Ghorbani G. R., D. Kianzad, M. Alikhani and A. Nikkhah. 2007. Rumen-protected methionine improves early-lactation performance of dairy cattle under high ambient temperatures, Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2(4): 184-195.

61. Ghorbani G. R., M. Bagheri Varzaneh and A. Nikkhah. 2007. Comparison of traditional ground and commercial pelleted starters for pre-weaning Holstein calves, International Journal of Dairy Science, 2(3): 287-291. (PDF)

62. Sadri H., G. R. Ghorbani and M. Alikhani. 2007. Ground, Dry-rolled and steam-processed barley grain for midlactation Holstein cows. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 138: 195-204. (PDF)

63. Yaghoubi S. M. J., G. R. Ghorbani, H. R. Rahmani and A. Nikkhah. 2008. Growth, weaning performance and blood indicators of humoral immunity in Holstein calves fed supplemental flavonoids. J. of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 92: 456-462.  (PDF)

64. Pezeshki A., J. Mehrzad, G. R. Ghorbani, H. R. Rahmani, R. J. Collier and C. Burvenich. 2007. Effects of short dry periods on performance and metabolic status in Holstein dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 90: 5531-5541. (PDF)

65. Ghorbani G. R. , R. Kowsar, M. Alikhani and Nikkhah. 2007. Soymilk as a novel milk replacer to stimulate early calf starter intake and reduce weaning age and costs. J. Dairy Sci. 90:5692-5697.

66. Pezeshki A., J. Mehrzad, G. R. Ghorbani, B. DeSpiegeleer, Robert J. Collier and Ch. Burvenich. 2008. The effect of dry period length reduction to 28 days on the performance of multiparous dairy cows in the subsequent lactation. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 88:449-456.  (PDF)

67. Kowsar, R., G. R. Ghorbani, M. Alikhani, M. Khorvash and A Nikkhah. 2008. Corn Sillage partially replacing short alfalfa hay to optimize forage use in total mixed rations for lactating cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91: 4755-4764.

68. Bagheri, M., G. R. Ghorbani, H. R. Rahmani, M. Khorvash, N. Nili and K. H. Sudekum. 2009. Effect of live yeast and mannan-oligosaccharides on performance of early-lactation holstein dairy cows. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 22(6): 812-818.  (PDF)

69. Soltani, A., G. R. Ghorbani, M. Alikhani, A. Samie and A. Nikkhah. 2009. Ground versus steam-rolled barley grain for lactating cows: A clarification into conventional beliefs. J. Dairy Sci. 92: 3299-3305.  (PDF)

70. Asadi Alamouti, A., G. R. Ghorbani, M. Alikhani and H. R. Rahmani. 2009. Effects of lucerne particle size and source of dietary carbohydrates on in situ degradation and ruminal variables in sheep. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 54(6): 277-285.  (PDF)

71. Asadi Alamouti, A., M. Alikhani, G. R. Ghorbani, Q. Zebeli. 2009. Effects of inclusion of neutral detergent soluble fibre sources in diets varying in forage particle size on feed intake, digestive processes, and performance of mid-lactation Holstein cows. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 154: 9-23.

72. Sadri, H., G. R. Ghorbani, H. R. Rahmani, A. H. Samie, M. Khorvash and R. M. Bruckmaier. 2009. Chromium supplementation and substitution of barley grain with corn: Effects on performance and lactation in periparturient dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 92: 5411-5418.  (PDF)

73. Kousar, R., G. R. Ghorbani, M. Alikhani, A. H. Samie and M. Khorvash. 2009. Effect of substitution of Alfalfa hay with corn silage on particle size of diets and feeding behavior of dairy cows. J. Sci. & Technol. Agric. & Natur. Resour., 13(47A): 117-129.

74. Hosseini Ghafari, M., G. R. Ghorbani and H. R. Rahmani. 2009. Influence of two drying off methods on udder health index in holstein cows given short dry period. J. Sci. & Technol. Agric. & Natur. Resour., 13(47B): 495-503.

75. Ganjkhanlou, M., K. Rezayazdi, G. R. Ghorbani, M. Dehghan Banadaky, H. Morraveg and W. Z. Yang. 2009. Effects of protected fat suplements on production of early lactation Holstein cows. Animal Feed Science and Technology 154: 276-283.

76. Nikkhah, A (Nikkhah, A.); Ghaempour, A (Ghaempour, A.); Khorvash, M (Khorvash, M.); Ghorbani, GR (Ghorbani, G. R.). Inoculants for ensiling low-dry matter corn crop: a midlactation cow perspective . Source: JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION  Volume: 95   Issue: 5   
Pages: 623-631   DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0396.2010.01093.x   Published: OCT 2011.  (PDF)

77. Nikkhah, A (Nikkhah, A.); Mirzaei, M (Mirzaei, M.); Khorvash, M (Khorvash, M.); Rahmani, HR (Rahmani, H. R.); Ghorbani, GR (Ghorbani, G. R.) . Chromium improves production and alters metabolism of early lactation cows in summer. Source: JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION Volume: 95 Issue: 1 
Pages: 81-89 DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0396.2010.01007.x Published: FEB 2011. (pdf)

78. Dayani O.; Ghorbani G. R.; Esmailizadeh A. K. Supplementation with whole cottonseed changes milk composition and milk fatty acid profile in dairy cows . Source: ANIMAL PRODUCTION SCIENCE Volume: 51 Issue: 2 Pages: 95-101 DOI: 10.1071/AN10026 Published: 2011. 

79. Nia, EF (Nia, E. Ferdowsi)1; Nikkhah, A (Nikkhah, A.); Rahmani, HR (Rahmani, H. R.); Alikhani, M (Alikhani, M.); Alipour, MM (Alipour, M. Mohammad); Ghorbani, GR (Ghorbani, G. R.) . Increased colostral somatic cell counts reduce pre-weaning calf immunity, health and growth . Source: JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION Volume: 94 Issue: 5 Pages: 628-634 DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0396.2009.00948.x Published: OCT 2010 (pdf)

80. Sadri, H (Sadri, H.); Bruckmaier, RM (Bruckmaier, R. M.); Rahmani, HR (Rahmani, H. R.); Ghorbani, GR (Ghorbani, G. R.); Morel, I (Morel, I.); van Dorland, HA (van Dorland, H. A.) . Gene expression of tumour necrosis factor and insulin signalling-related factors in subcutaneous adipose tissue during the dry period and in early lactation in dairy cows . Source: JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION Volume: 94 Issue: 5 Pages: e194-e202 DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0396.2010.01005.x Published: OCT 2010 . (pdf)


81. Yari, M (Yari, M.); Nikkhah, A (Nikkhah, A.); Alikhani, M (Alikhani, M.); Khorvash, M (Khorvash, M.); Rahmani, H (Rahmani, H.); Ghorbani, GR (Ghorbani, G. R.) . Physiological calf responses to increased chromium supply in summer. Source: JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE Volume: 93 Issue: 9 Pages: 4111-4120 DOI: 10.3168/jds.2009-2568 Published: SEP 2010.

82. Kargar, S (Kargar, S.); Khorvash, M (Khorvash, M.); Ghorbani, GR (Ghorbani, G. R.); Alikhani, M (Alikhani, M.); Yang, WZ (Yang, W. Z.). Short communication: Effects of dietary fat supplements and forage: concentrate ratio on feed intake, feeding, and chewing behavior of Holstein dairy cows. 
Source: JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE  Volume: 93   Issue: 9   
Pages: 4297-4301   DOI: 10.3168/jds.2010-3168   Published: SEP 2010

83. Alizadeh, AR (Alizadeh, A. R.); Ghorbani, GR (Ghorbani, G. R.); Alikhani, M (Alikhani, M.); Rahmani, HR (Rahmani, H. R.); Nikkhah, A (Nikkhah, A.). Safflower seeds in corn silage and alfalfa hay based early lactation diets: A practice within an optimum forage choice. 
Pages: 18-24 DOI: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2009.09.014 Published: JAN 20 2010 .  (PDF)

84. Khorvash, M (Khorvash, M.); Cigari, FH (Cigari, F. Hashemzadeh); Ghorbani, GR (Ghorbani, G. -R.); Taghizadeh, A (Taghizadeh, A.). Effect of inoculant and molasses on silage fermentation quality, protein fractions, nutritive value and aerobic stability in high dry matter alfalfa. 
Source: JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE Volume: 93 Supplement: 1 
Pages: 692-693 Published: 2010 .

85. Kargar, S (Kargar, S.); Khorvash, M (Khorvash, M.); Alikhani, M (Alikhani, M.); Ghorbani, GR (Ghorbani, G. R.).  Effects of dietary fat supplements and forage: concentrate on feed intake, feeding and chewing behavior of Holstein dairy cows. Source: JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE Volume: 93 Supplement: 1 
Pages: 778-778 Published: 2010

86. Samiei, A (Samiei, A.); Liang, JB (Liang, J. B.); Ghorbani, GR (Ghorbani, G. R.); Hirooka, H (Hirooka, H.); Yaakub, H (Yaakub, H.); Tabatabaei, M (Tabatabaei, M.). An evaluation of beta-hydroxybutyrate in milk and blood for prediction of subclinical ketosis in dairy cows. 
Pages: 349-356 Published: 201.