Finite Cell Method

To solve numerically boundary value problems requires discretizing the solution domain into elements through which low order approximation is valid. This is the basic idea of the finite element method (FEM). However, discretizing can become

Work Experiences

1997-2014      Associate Professor, Industrial Eng. Dept., Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.

Courses taught: Manufacturing processes, CNC Machines, Measurement and Calibration, Systems Dynamics (PG), Advanced Numerical Methods, Automation.

2014-             Associate Professor, Mechanical Eng. Dept., Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.

Courses taught: Advanced CNC Machines, Measurement and Calibration, Automation, Autonomous Industries, Smart Manufacturing.


 Iranian Ministry of Science for PhD, 1993

  ORS (Association of the deans of UK universities) for PhD, 1994

  DAAD for summer school, 2002, 2003 

 Alexander von Humboldt, Research Fellowship, 2005

 Institutional Partnership: IUT-TUM, awarded by Alexander von Humboldt, 2009-2015

 Institutional Partnership: IUT-TUHH, awarded by Alexander von Humboldt, 2019-2022

Lectures and Visits

2000 : Opening speech of the workshop �Optimization of energy consumption for industries� Isfahan University of Technology


2000 : Hagenberg Software Park, Hagenberg, Austria.


2002-2005 : Iranian-German Summer School, University of Wuppertal, Germany.


2008 : DAAD meeting, Berlin, 2008


� Parvizian J., Duester A., Abedian A. & Rank E. �High Order Fixed Mesh for Topology Optimization� accepted to be presented in 12th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 1-5, 2008


� Duester A., Parvizian J., Yang Z. & Rank E. �A high order fictitious domain method for patient specific surgery planning� APCOM�07 in conjunction with EPMESC XI, Kyoto, Japan,� December 3-6, 2007


Graduate Students

Phd Students 

- Mehrdad Poursina, Simulation of forming processes by FEM. Awarded as Best PhD Graduate of IUT in 2004.

- Mohammad Mashayekhi, 3D damage evaluation in ductile material. Awarded as Best PhD thesis in Mechanical Engineering by the Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2006.

- Alireza Abedian, Finite Cell Method

- Maedeh Ranjbar, Finite Cell Method

- Yaser Mirbagheri, Finite Cell Method