Main Journal Papers
- Parvizian J., Duester A. & Rank E. “Finite Cell Method: h - and p -extension for embedded domain problems in solid mechanics” Computational Mechanics, Volume 41, Number 1 / December, 2007
- Duester A., Parvizian J. & Rank E. “Finite Cell Method for Three Dimensional Problems of Solid Mechanics” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 197, Issues 45-48, 15 August 2008, Pages 3768-3782
- Parvizian, J., Duester, A., and Rank, E., "Topology Optimization Using the Finite Cell Method", Optimization and Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s11081-011-9159-x, 2011
- J. Parvizian and R.T. Fenner, “Shape Optimization of Fillets by the Boundary Element Method”, Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, Vol. 37 No.2, pp. 93-100, 2002
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