Research Experience


Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, Isfahan University of Technology.

-Development of agro-based composites

- Biopolymer based composites

- Application od biopolymers and biocomposite in tissue enginnering

- Development of nanocomposites by electrospining

- Development of biomaterilas by 3D printing

- Extraction of micro and nano fibers from natural resources

- Characterization of biopolymers for coatings

- Bioethanol production from agro based materials

Professional Training

Workplace Safety Training Course

Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, Canada, 2003.                                                           

The Paper Business Short Course 

Relative Experiences

Structural and heat transfer simulation and modeling using Finite element soft ware such as MATLAB, ANSYS, FEMLAB, and COMSOL.

 Composite manufacturing processes Such as compression molding, resin transfer molding, resin infusion molding, characterization equipments such as  DSC, IGC, SEM,  Instron tensile, and flexural test operation.

· Web designing




Scholarships and Academic Awards

· Award of Merit, Discovery 2006, Ontario Centre of Excellence (OCE), ON, Canada.

· Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry Dept., University of Toronto, Research Assistantship, 2006 –2007, 10,000 CAD$.

· University of Toronto Fellowship, 2006-2007, 3,000 CAD$.

· Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), University of Toronto, 2005- 2006, 15,000 CAD$.

Teaching Experience


Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.


Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, Canada.

Teaching Interests

· Undergraduate-level courses in basic principles of calculation in chemical engineering, mass and energy balance, heat transfer, physical and mechanical properties of polymers, composites, and  biopolymer and biocomposite materials

· Graduate-level courses in polymer engineering, composite materials

Course Taught:

1. Mass and Energy Balance