Failure Analysis of G4852-Micro Ethylene Cracking Tubes, Arya Sasol Polymer, 2017

The failure of G4852-Micro radiant tubes in an ethylene cracking unit in a petrochemical plant (Arya Sasol Polymer) was investigated. Tubes in this plant were replaced after approximately 38,000 hours of service, which is much shorter than the anticipated service lifetime (100,000 hours). She did the failure analysis by gathering process and operational history and conducting visual and microscopic examinations. Both optical and scanning electron microscopes (SEM) were used to analyze the microstructure of damaged tubes.

Inspection Projects

- Inspection of compressors and accessories in Atlascopco, Belgium 2018

- Inspection Pipes, Fitting, and Flanges, Buhlmann Germany, Port Antwerpen, Belgium, 2018

- Inspection wellhead equipments at FRAMES, The Netherlands, 2017

- Inspection Mechanical roofing frameworks for fuel tanks at CTS, The Netherlands, 2013

Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline Fe-Si-Ni soft magnetic alloys, Sharif University of Technology, 2005

In this study, structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Fe–Si–Ni powders produced by mechanical alloying (MA) have been investigated. The samples with different chemical compositions and milling times were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The alloy powders with average grain size 8–19 nm were synthesized by milling for 35–100 h. Coercivity (Hc) and crystallite size exhibited a similar decrease by increasing the mechanical alloying time.

Failure Analysis of G4852-Micro Ethylene Cracking Tubes, Arya Sasol Polymer, 2017

The failure of G4852-Micro radiant tubes in an ethylene cracking unit in a petrochemical plant (Arya Sasol Polymer) was investigated. Tubes in this plant were replaced after approximately 38,000 hours of service, which is much shorter than the anticipated service lifetime (100,000 hours). She did the failure analysis by gathering process and operational history and conducting visual and microscopic examinations. Both optical and scanning electron microscopes (SEM) were used to analyze the microstructure of damaged tubes.

Failure analysis of a broken femoral HIP prosthesis, BSc Project, 2017

The failure of femoral hip prosthesis, made of AISI 316 L stainless steel, in a 69 years old patient with a weight of 70 kg was investigated. Replacement of the damaged cartilage and bone of the hip joint with prosthesis component through Total HIP Arthroplasty (THA) is a widely used surgery. Patients with this type of implants are anticipated to have a normal daily life with capability of performing routine physical activities for a period of 15 years. However, in investigated case, the failure had occurred in<10 years.

Failure analysis of a broken femoral HIP prosthesis, BSc Project, 2017

The failure of femoral hip prosthesis, made of AISI 316 L stainless steel, in a 69 years old patient with a weight of 70 kg was investigated. Replacement of the damaged cartilage and bone of the hip joint with prosthesis component through Total HIP Arthroplasty (THA) is a widely used surgery. Patients with this type of implants are anticipated to have a normal daily life with capability of performing routine physical activities for a period of 15 years. However, in investigated case, the failure had occurred in<10 years.