I received my BSc degree in Materials Engineering with specialization in industrial metallurgy, from Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, in 2003. Aftrewards, I did my Master at Sharif University of Technology, with specialization in nano-magnetic materials. From 2006 till 2010 I was a PhD rsearcher, associated with Professor Jilt Sietsma and Dr. Alexis Miroux in MCM Group, at the Department of Materials Engineering at Delft University of Technology, working on thermomechanical modeling in Al-Mg-Si alloys. From 2010 to 2012, I was a post-doctoral fellow associated with Professor Sietsma at the same group. In 2013, I started working for British Petroleum in Manchester. I was part of a research team, with its focus being on the residual stress in thick section welding. In 2014, I moved back to The Netherlands, working at TNO innovation for life. In 2016, I started my carrier at Isfahan University of Technology, as assistant professor.   


Academic Degrees:

* PhD in Materials Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2006-2010.
Thermomechanical Modeling of Al-Mg-Si Alloys

* MSc in Materials Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2003-2005.
: Synthesis and Characterization if Fe-Si-Ni Soft Magnetic Materials 

* BSc in Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 1999-2003.
: Wear Behaviour of Hot-Work Tool Steels 


Honors and Rewards:

Short visit, group of Professor Sietsma, Delft University of Technology, Summer 2018

Committee member at 6th Int. Conference on Metallurgy Technology and Materials, Xi'an, China, May 2018 

Referee at Journal of Metallurgy Engineering, University of Tehran, 2018

Referee at Welding and NDT Journal, Iran, 2018

Recognized referee in Materials Science and Engineering A and Matallurgical Transacation A, 2017

Best Paper at Titanium Conference, Tehran, December 2017 

Reviewer in the 6th Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE), China, 2017 

Research and Innovation Grant, Iranian National Foundation of Elites, 2017

Committee member at 5th Int. Conference on Advanced Mater Design and Mechanics, Beijing, China, August 2017 

Best Presentation at Int. Welding and NDT Conference (IWNDT2016), Tehran, Iran, Dec 2016 

Technical Program Committee Chair, 4th Int Conf on Advanced Mater Design and Mech Jeju South Korea, August 2016 

Invited Speaker, 4th Int Al Conference, challenges in future developments of Al alloys, Tehran, Iran May 2016 

Visiting Scholar Awards, JSPS Japan, 2013 

Kharazmi International Award for Manufacturing 1st Stage Gas Turbine Nozzles at Tajrobeh Noor Co, 2005

First grade graduate of Bachelor of Metallurgy Engineering, 2003