f.bahr@iut.ac.ir Office Subsea R&D Center, sfahan University of Technology, P.O. Box 134- Postal Code 84156-86224, Isfahan, IRAN Phone +98 313 391 2273 , 3391 2519 Fax +98 313 3912518 Positions Assistant Professor Faculty Member Research Interests Novel Approaches in SLAM based on Absolute and Relative Filter Wave Instrument Wave Spectrum Measurement Oceanography and Meteorological Measurement System Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) DAS System based on PC and Microcontroller based systems Load Cell Sensor & Transducer Electronics Converter and Transducer Low Power Switching Power Supply AMTI Radar Simulation Radar Detection & Airborne Radar Detection More ArticlesConference Papers Title DOI type Improved Unscented Kalman Filter Algorithm to Increase the SLAM Accuracy Conference Improvement of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Based on Extended Kalman Filter Using Iterative Closest Point Algorithm Conference Investigation of RMF-SLAM and AMF-SLAM in Closed Loop and Open Loop Paths Conference Power Electronics for Photovolqatic Energy System of an Oceanographic Buoy Conference