fazel@iut.ac.ir Office Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering , Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan, 8415683111 Iran Positions Assistant Professor, Communication Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Research Interests 6G Wireless Communication Systems Advanced Digital Communication Advance Ultra Massive MIMO (Multiple Antennas) Techniques Cooperative Relaying Techniques Signal Detection & Channel Estimation Techniques for wireless Systems Energy Efficiency and Spectral Efficiency of 6G wireless Systems Deep Learning Techniques More ArticlesJournal Papers Title DOI type Dynamic energy efficient resource allocation in multi-user multi-IRS mmWave 6G networks # Journal Improving IoRT Networks: Cross-Tier Resource Allocation for Multi-Antenna UAV Relays in SAGIN # Journal Enhancing Connectivity and Transmission Robustness for Vehicular Communications Assisted by SGF NOMA and Full-Duplex Relaying 10.1109/TVT.2024.3469783 Journal Improving convergence properties of autonomous demand side management algorithms 10.1016/j.ijepes.2022.108764 Journal Outage Analysis of Multiuser MIMO-NOMA Transmissions in Uplink Full-Duplex Cooperative System 10.1109/LWC.2022.3193489 Journal A sequential MUSIC algorithm for scatterers detection in SAR tomography enhanced by a robust covariance estimator 10.1016/j.dsp.2022.103621 Journal Super-resolving multiple scatterers detection in synthetic aperture radar tomography assisted by correlation information 10.1117/1.JRS.14.034517 Journal Sum-Throughput Maximization of Secondary Users in an In-Band Full-Duplex Cognitive Wireless Powered Communication Network 10.1109/JSYST.2019.2929465 Journal Interference Alignment for One-Hop and Two-Hops MIMO Systems With Uncoordinated Interference 10.1109/TCOMM.2019.2955441 Journal Beyond-sparsity-based doubly selective channel estimation for high-mobility multiuser MIMO-OFDM systems # Journal