Dynamic energy efficient resource allocation in multi-user multi-IRS mmWave 6G networks |
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Improving IoRT Networks: Cross-Tier Resource Allocation for Multi-Antenna UAV Relays in SAGIN |
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Outage Analysis of Multiuser MIMO-NOMA Transmissions in Uplink Full-Duplex Cooperative System |
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A sequential MUSIC algorithm for scatterers detection in SAR tomography enhanced by a robust covariance estimator |
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Super-resolving multiple scatterers detection in synthetic aperture radar tomography assisted by correlation information |
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Sum-Throughput Maximization of Secondary Users in an In-Band Full-Duplex Cognitive Wireless Powered Communication Network |
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Interference Alignment for One-Hop and Two-Hops MIMO Systems With Uncoordinated Interference |
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Beyond-sparsity-based doubly selective channel estimation for high-mobility multiuser MIMO-OFDM systems |
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An energy-efficient joint antenna selection and power allocation for MIMO systems under limited feedback |
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خودتمركزدهي براي جبران خطاي حركت در رادار روزنه تركيبي پهپاد با تفكيكپذيري زياد برد |
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Employing Antenna Selection to Improve Energy-Efficiency in Massive MIMO Systems |
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Improving Energy Efficiency of Massive MIMO Relay Systems using Power Bisection Allocation for Cell-Edge Users |
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Interference Alignment in MIMO Interference Channels using SDP Relaxation |
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Capacity Improvement of Massive Multiple-Antenna Systems by a Two-Phase Transmission Scheduling |
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Antenna Selection A Novel Approach to Improve Energy |
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تصوير برداري راداري با تفكيك پذيري بالا به كمك سيگنالهايLFM پله اي |
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بهبود عملكرد لينك هاي داده VHF هوايي به روش گزينش رله |
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سيستم نسل آينده (NextGen) مزايا، چالش ها و سامانه هاي مرتبط با آن |
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