
Title DOI Year Month type Conference Title
Evaluation and improvement of the resilience of a transportation system against epidemic diseases: A system dynamics approach 10.1016/j.tranpol.2022.11.009 1401 12 Journal
Developing public transportation resilience against the epidemic through government tax policies: A game-theoretic approach 10.1016/j.tranpol.2022.09.013 1401 08 Journal
Evaluation and improvement of the urban transportation networks resilience in short-term non-recurring traffic congestion: a novel graph connectivity-based criteria 10.1016/j.treng.2022.100152 1401 08 Journal
Community detection in large scale congested urban road networks NULL 1400 08 Journal
تخمين ظرفيت و چگالي بحراني شبكه معابر با استفاده از نمودار اساسي شبكه بازنمونه گيري شده مورد پژوهي بخشي از شبكه مشهد 10.24200/J30.2020.55970.2791 1400 04 Journal
تحليل رفتار عابران در مواجهه با وسايل نقليه هنگام عبور از گذرگاه هاي ميان تقاطعي NULL 1399 01 Journal
بررسي ويژگيها و عوامل موثر بر هيسترزيس جريان ترافيك 1398 12 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي حمل ونقل و ترافيك
تخمين نموداراساسي شبكه با استفاده از همجوشي دادههاي شهري مطالعه موردي شبكه مشهد 1398 12 Conference هجدهمين كنفرانس بين المللي مهندسي حمل ونقل و ترافيك
Evaluation of Methods for Computing Free-Flow Speed and Its Significance in the HCM 2010; Case Study: A Ramp- Weaving Segment NULL 1398 10 Journal
Locating key stations of a metro network using bi-objective programming: discrete and continuous demand mode 10.1007/s12469-019-00205-0 1398 06 Journal
The role of travel demand and network centrality on the connectivity and resilience of an urban street system 10.1007/s11116-017-9814-y 1398 05 Journal
Appraisal of different HCM methodologies for analysis of weaving segments, case study: a weaving segment in Isfahan, Iran 10.1080/19427867.2019.1616368 1398 02 Journal
A Hybrid model for locating new emergency facilities to improve the coverage of the road crashes 10.1016/j.seps.2019.01.005 1397 10 Journal
Tuned communicability metrics in networks. The case of alternative routes for urban traffic 10.1016/j.chaos.2018.09.044 1397 08 Journal
Detecting critical links of urban networks using cluster detection methods 10.1016/j.physa.2018.09.170 1397 07 Journal
Communicability geometry captures traffic flows in cities 10.1038/s41562-018-0407-3 1397 04 Journal
A framework for short-term traffic flow forecasting using the combination of wavelet transformation and artificial neural networks 10.1080/15472450.2018.1493929 1397 03 Journal
Designing bike networks using the concept of network clusters 10.1007/s41109-018-0069-0 1397 03 Journal
Incomplete Hub Location Model for Designing Van-Taxi Networks 10.1177/0361198118783597 1397 03 Journal
توسعه روش براي اندازه گيري عدالت در سامانه هاي حمل و نقل همگاني شهري NULL 1397 01 Journal