Trajectory Tracking of a Quadrotor Using Model Predictive and Backstepping Control with Anti-disturbance Compensation Subjected to Variations in Center of Gravity |
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A backward control approach for aerial load transportation using a multi-agent system |
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Fuzzy Control Allocation of a Positionable Rotor Quadrotor Based on Log-Barrier Optimization and Propulsion System Fault Toleration |
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Auto-landing algorithm for quadrotor UAV using super-twisting second-order sliding mode control in the presence of external disturbances |
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A Distributed Composite Formation Control Approach for a Multi-quadrotor System |
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Estimation of hydrodynamic coefficients and simplification of the depth model of an AUV using CFD and sensitivity analysis |
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Active Optimal Roll Control of Railway Vehicles in Curved Tracks Using an Electrically Actuated Anti-roll Bar System |
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Disturbance observer-based model predictive control of a coaxialoctorotor with variable centre of gravity |
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Active noise control for global broadband noise attenuation in a cylindrical cavity using Modal FxLMS algorithm |
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Design of Robust P-PD Controller for an AUV Using Quantitative Feedback Theory QFT) in the Diving Plane |
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Distributed formation tracking control of a multi-quadrotor system based on sliding mode and a rate bounded PID controller in the presence of internal perturbation and external disturbance |
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Positionable Rotor Quadrotor: Dynamic Modeling and Adaptive Finite-Time Sliding-Mode Controller Design |
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Unified left eigenvector (ULEV) for blind source separation |
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Robust Containment Control of Uncertain Multi-Agent Systems with Time-Delay and Heterogeneous Lipschitz Nonlinearity |
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طراحي مسير روي خط براي ربات خودمختار زيرسطحي در يك بستر تقريبا ناشناخته به روش درخت جستجو سريع تصادفي محلي |
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Containment control of high-order multi-agent systems with heterogeneous uncertainties, dynamic leaders, and time delay |
10.1002/asjc.2251 |
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طراحي و پياده سازي سيستم كنترل دور زدن خودكار خودرو |
10.29252/joc.13.2.33 |
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Design Boundary Layer Thickness and Switching Gain in SMC Algorithm for AUV Motion Control |
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كنترل آرايش و رديابي مسير گروهي از كوادروتورها براي حمل بار آويزان |
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Absolute frequency analysis of traveling waves in a thin-wall laminated composite cylindrical shell rotating on two-ending elastic supports |
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