

Professor H. Hadadzadeh

(Professor of Inorganic & Bioinorganic Chemistry)

I- Personal:

OFFICIAL ADDRESS: Department of Chemistry, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 84156-83111, IRAN

                E-mail: hadad@cc.iut.ac.ir

Tel: +98 3133913240

Fax: +98 3133912350

Nationality: Iranian

Marital Status: Married



 II- Education:

1987- 1991:  BSc: Applied Chemistry, IUT.

1992-1994:  MSc : Inorganic Chemistry (Photochemistry), IUT.

(Thesis subject: Synthesis, characterization and photochemical reaction of cobaloxime complexes)

1997-2002:  PhD: Inorganic Chemistry (Physical Inorganic Chemistry and Inorganic Electrochemistry), SBU and Carleton University (Professor R.J. Crutchley's Research Group, Ottawa, Canada)

(Thesis subject: Structure, electrochemical, spectroelectrochemical, and magnetic properties of mono- and dinuclear ruthenium, copper and cobalt complexes; cyclometalated ruthenium complexes)


Visiting Researcher: Carleton University, Ottawa, CANADA (2001-2002)

Visiting Researcher: Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, SWEDEN (2008 )