
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Nanofibrous Tubular Membrane for Blood Hemodialysis 10.1007/s12010-018-2744-0 Journal
Numerical and experimental investigation on static electric charge model at stable cone-jet region 10.1063/1.5012810 Journal
Nanoparticle-loaded highly flexible fibrous structures exhibiting desirable thermoelectric properties 10.1016/j.diamond.2018.04.018 Journal
Numerical and experimental study on the steady cone-jet mode of electro-centrifugal spinning 10.1063/1.5001808 Journal
Investigating Moisture Management Property of a Bi-layer Fabric Through Nanofiber-coated PET as a Novel Sewing Thread Vertical Wicking Test # Journal
A comprehensive study on optimizing and thermoregulating properties of core shell fibrous structures through coaxial electrospinning # Journal
Porosity characterization of biodegradable porous poly (L-lactic acid) electrospun nanofibers 10.1088/2053-1591/aa9a4d Journal
Production Scale up of Nanofibers A Review # Journal
Fabrication of Biodegradable PCL Particles as well as PA66 Nanofibers via Air-Sealed Centrifuge Electrospinning (ASCES) # Journal
Optimization of the parameters involved in fabrication of solid state polymerized polyamide (SSP PA66) nanofibers via an enhanced electro-centrifuge spinning # Journal
Study of capillary rise in biodegradable porous poly (L-lactic acid) electrospun nano/micro fiber yarns # Journal
Numerical Study on the Jet Dynamic through Centrifuge Spinning Influence of Angular Velocity # Journal
Experimental and numerical study on isolated and non-isolated jet behavior through centrifuge spinning system # Journal
Ultrafine Solid State Polymerized PA66 Nanofibers Fabrication via Air-sealed Centrifuge Electrospinning (ASCES) # Journal
A Novel Method for Manufacturing Nanofibers # Journal
Investigation of thermoelectric properties of nanoparticle coated fabric Conference
Thermo-regulating Core-shell Nano/micro Fibrous Structures Conference
Modeling of nanofiber fabrication process through centrifugal spinning Conference
طراحي سوتين با رويكرد كاهش تنش و افزايش راحتي حركتي پستان در حين فعاليت هاي روزانه # Journal
ارزيابي كارايي ترايبوالكتريك منسوجات پوشيدني در تبديل انرژي مكانيكي به انرژي الكتريكي # Journal