
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Rheological Modeling of Plug-Assist Thermoforming # Journal
A solution for warpage in polymeric products by plug-assisted thermoforming # Journal
Hydrolytic degradation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) # Journal
Synthesizes of Ion-Exchange Resins as MTBE Production Catalyst # Journal
Modelsaz An Object Oriented Computer-Aided Modeling Environment # Journal
Structural Catalytic Packing for Reaction-Distillation Columns # Journal
A novel environmental optimization methodology proposed for propylene/propane separation: aiming the cleanest feasible distillation system Conference
Core@Wrinkled-Shell Architectural Photocatalyst: New Method for Use of Semiconductors in the Visible Light Range Conference
Modeling of both temperature and pressure dependency of permeability through membranes Conference
Permeability prediction of mixed matrix membranes containing core-shell particles through mathematical modeling Conference
Synthesis and characterization of Fe-doped TiO2/Al2O3 catalyst for degradation of direct red 16 dye by visible light irradiation Conference
Enhancement of nutrient removal by a hybrid five-stage bardenpho and moving bed biofilm reactor process Conference
Modeling and simulation of non-isothermal pervaporation process for separation of isopropanol-water mixture Conference
Synthesis and characterization of Cu-doped TiO2/Bi2O3 photocatalyst for degradation of direct red 16 dye under visible light irradiation Conference
A novel strategy for estimation of interface characteristics parameters for polymer chain rigidification morphology in mixed matrix membranes Conference
Comparison of Operational Performances and Economical Evaluations of DGA and MDEA Gas Sweetening Processes Conference
Treatment of Z1 Oily Industrial Wastewater by Electrocoagulation using Aluminum Electrodes Conference
Application of Electrocoagulation Process by Fe Electrodes in Treatment of Industrial Wastewater Containing Z1 Oil Conference
Insights to the modeling of polymer-particle interfacial characteristics in nanocomposite membranes for transport of gas molecules Conference
Mathematical Modeling of PCM-Integrated Wall Conference