
Conference Papers
Title DOI Date type
Practical approach for traffic engineering with suboptimal OSPF routing Conference
A New Low-Complexity QoS Routing Algorithm for MPLS Traffic Engineering Conference
Using Relay Networks to Increase Life Time in Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks Conference
HRSQM Heterogeneous Receivers Supporting QoS Multicast Conference
Optimal Solution to Disjoint Set Cover in Wireless Sensor Networks via Boolean Satisfiability Conference
Bounded Delay Transmission of Different Traffic Classes in Wireless Sensor Networks Conference
A low cost VoIP architecture for private networks Conference
An Efficient End-to-End QoS Algorithm Using a New End-Point Admission Control in DiffServ Networks Conference
A New End-to-End Quality of Service Algorithm in DiffServ Networks Conference
A New Endpoint Admission Control Algorithm in NGN with Improved Network Utilization Conference
Exclusive Design of a One-color LED Display Panel Conference
Investigation of ant colony algorithm in multiple traffic flow environments Conference
An Improvement of self-localization for omnidirectional mobile robots using a new odometry sensor and omnidirectional vision Conference
A Multicast Single-Queue Switch with a Novel Copy Mechanism Conference
A RAM-Based Generic Packet Switch with Scheduling Capability Conference
Implementation of scheduling schemes using a sequencer circuit Conference
The Single Queue Switch Conference
A General Purpose Cell Sequencer/Scheduler for ATM Switches Conference
Input buffering and back-pressure mechanism in ATM switches Conference
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