Practical approach for traffic engineering with suboptimal OSPF routing
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A New Low-Complexity QoS Routing Algorithm for MPLS Traffic Engineering
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Using Relay Networks to Increase Life Time in Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks
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HRSQM Heterogeneous Receivers Supporting QoS Multicast
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Optimal Solution to Disjoint Set Cover in Wireless Sensor Networks via Boolean Satisfiability
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Bounded Delay Transmission of Different Traffic Classes in Wireless Sensor Networks
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A low cost VoIP architecture for private networks
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An Efficient End-to-End QoS Algorithm Using a New End-Point Admission Control in DiffServ Networks
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A New End-to-End Quality of Service Algorithm in DiffServ Networks
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A New Endpoint Admission Control Algorithm in NGN with Improved Network Utilization
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Exclusive Design of a One-color LED Display Panel
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Investigation of ant colony algorithm in multiple traffic flow environments
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An Improvement of self-localization for omnidirectional mobile robots using a new odometry sensor and omnidirectional vision
Conference |
A Multicast Single-Queue Switch with a Novel Copy Mechanism
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A RAM-Based Generic Packet Switch with Scheduling Capability
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Implementation of scheduling schemes using a sequencer circuit
Conference |
The Single Queue Switch
Conference |
A General Purpose Cell Sequencer/Scheduler for ATM Switches
Conference |
Input buffering and back-pressure mechanism in ATM switches
Conference |
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