A Sample-Based Approach to Data Quality Assessment in Spatial Databases with Application to Mobile Trajectory Nearest-Neighbor Search
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Maximum likelihood model based on minor allele frequencies and weighted Max-SAT formulation for haplotype assembly
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GREST A Type-2 Fuzzy Distance Model for Group Nearest-Neighbor Queries
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Optimizing the Performance and Robustness of Type-2 Fuzzy Group Nearest-Neighbor Queries
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A Human-Centric Approach To Group-Based Context-Awareness
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Fuzzy Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis on Disease Outbreaks and Air Transportation
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A Fuzzy Deep Learning Approach to Health-Related Text Classification
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A Framework For Scalable Similarity Evaluation in Text Graphs
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A Scalable Pattern Mining Method Using Apache Spark Platform
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Fuzzy Region Connection Calculus and Its Application in Fuzzy Spatial Skyline Queries
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A Scalable Method for One-mode Projection of Bipartite Networks based on Hadoop platform
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A Graph Database Approach for Temporal Modeling of Disease Progression
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A Novel Approach for Approximate Spatio-Textual Skyline Queries
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Evaluating Different Similarity Measures for Automatic Biomedical Text Summarization
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Protein complex detection from PPI networks on Apache Spark
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Linked Data Partitioning for RDF Processing on Apache Spark
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Fast and Scalable Protein Motif Sequence Clustering based on Hadoop Framework
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Performance evaluation of SpatialHadoop for big web mapping data
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Performance evaluation of SQL and MongoDB databases for big e-commerce data
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Spatial database implementation of fuzzy region connection calculus for analysing the relationship of diseases
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