
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Analysis of growth characteristics in short-term divergently selected Japanese quail lines and their cross # Journal
Selective genotyping and logistic regression analyses to identify favorable SNP-genotypes for clinical mastitis and production traits in Holstein dairy cattle # Journal
Management of genetic diversity using gene dropping method based on pedigree information # Journal
Evaluation of Growth Functions on Japanese quail Lines # Journal
Divergent selection effect on Reproductive trait in Japanese Quail # Journal
Effects of Divergent Selection and Egg Status in Artificial Incubator on Reproductive Trait in Japanese Quail # Journal
Selection strategies for fertility traits of Holstein cows in Iran # Journal
Effects of cold stress during transportation on hatchability and chick quality of broiler breeder eggs # Journal
New approach for Estimating of Heritability in Honey Bee population # Journal
Genetic variance components for female fertility in Iranian Holstein cows # Journal
Estimates of Genetic Parameters for Non-return rate and open days in Iranian Holsteins # Journal
Response to family selection and genetic parameters in Japanese quail selected for four week breast weight # Journal
Assessing hygienic behavior and attraction to Varroa mite (Acari Varroidae) in iranian honey bee (Apis. mellifera meda) # Journal
genetic parameters for feed utilization traits in japanese quail # Journal
Estimation of udder composite in the Holstein population of Iran # Journal
Response to Selection for feed conversion ratio in Japanese quail # Journal
Divergent selection for 4-week body weight in Japanese quail Relationship between blood parameters and carcass characteristics # Journal
Response to selection and genetic parameters of body and carcass weights in Japanese quail selected for 4-week body weight # Journal
The relationship between growth curve and ascites syndrome in broilers # Journal
The effect of induced ascites syndrome on blood gas parameters and internal organ weights in broilers # Journal