
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Sustainable supply chain management with pricing greening and governmental tariffs determining strategies A game-theoretic approach # Journal
Game-Theoretic Approach for Pricing Decisions in Dual-Channel Supply Chain # Journal
A branch and bound algorithm to minimize the total weighted number of tardy jobs and delivery costs with late deliveries for a supply chain scheduling problem # Journal
Sustainable development by waste recycling under a three-echelon supply chain A game-theoretic approach # Journal
Two new meta-heuristics for a bi-objective supply chain scheduling problem in flow-shop environment # Journal
Minimizing sum of the due date assignment costs maximum tardiness and distribution costs in a supply chain scheduling problem # Journal
Cooperative advertising and pricing in a manufacturer-retailer supply chain with a general demand function A game-theoretic approach # Journal
Pricing Decisions in Dual-Channel Supply Chain Including Monopolistic Manufacturer and Duopolistic Retailers A Game-Theoretic Approach # Journal
Artificial Immune System for Single Machine Scheduling and Batching in a Supply Chain Scheduling Problem # Journal
Optimal Pricing and Advertising Decisions in a Three-level Supply Chain with Nash Stackelberg and Cooperative Games # Journal
Pricing Decisions in Dual-Channel Supply Chain Including Monopolistic Manufacturer and Duopolistic Retailers: A Game-Theoretic Approach 10.1007/s10842-016-0224-1 Journal
Pseudo-polynomial dynamic programming for an integrated due date assignment resource allocation production and distribution scheduling model in supply chain scheduling # Journal
A branch and bound algorithm to minimize the total weighed number of tardy jobs and delivery costs # Journal
Minimizing the weighted number of tardy jobs with due date assignment and capacity-constrained deliveries for multiple customers in supply chains # Journal
A Game-Theoretic Approach for Pricing and Determining Virtual Reality Investment and Cybersecurity Level in a Dual-Channel Supply Chain Conference
A Game-Theoretic Approach for Pricing and Determining Quality Levels of Cybersecurity Products Under an Exogenous Information-Sharing Program Conference
تجزيه و تحليل پوياي چالش هاي زيست بوم نوآوري فن آورانه سبز با در نظرگرفتن همكاري شركت-هاي فن آور و استارت آپ ها تحت مداخله دولت # Journal
يك رويكرد نظريه بازي براي قيمت گذاري و تعيين ميزان سرمايه گذاري واقعيت مجازي در يك زنجيره تامين با كانال هاي توزيع دوگانه با وجود وب رومينگ و سياست استرداد كالا # Journal
رويكرد نظريه ي بازي براي قيمت گذاري محصول در يك زنجيره ي تأمين دوسطحي با در نظر گرفتن تخفيف هاي مقداري و سياست بازگشت # Journal
يك رويكرد نظريه ي بازي براي قيمت گذاري و تعيين ميزان مصرف انرژي محصولات در يك زنجيره ي تامين با مشتريان حساس به مسائل زيست محيطي # Journal