
Conference Papers
Title Date type
Kinetic Study of Proton Transfer Reaction using Ion Mobility Spectrometry Conference
Transmission of Ions through Shutter Grid Conference
Kinetics of Proton Transfer Reactions Conference
Inverse Ion Mobility Spectrometry Conference
Kinetic Study of Electron Attachement reaction to Halogenated Alkanes by Using of Ion Mobility Spectrometry Conference
detection of explosives by positive corona discharge ion mobility spectrometry in air Conference
Angular effects in autoionization of 3P doubly excited states in He Conference
Construction of a Particle Counter Conference
Study of Doubly Excited States of Helium-Excitation of 1/3S Metastable Helium Atoms Conference
The Effect of Drift Tube Geometry on Ion Transmission Conference
Investigating of Dependence of the Electronic Transition Moment forf K Pi excitation and K-shell ionization spectra of O2 and CO molecules Conference
Two photon Time Resolved Optogalvanic Signals of Neon Conference
The Effect of Spraying on the Evaporation Rate Conference
Elimination of NO from the Reactant Ions in Ion Mobility Spectrometry Conference
Spin-Orbit Activated Interchannel Coupling in the 3d Photoionization of Barium Atoms Conference
Enhancing the Efficiency of the Evaporative Air Coolers Conference
Optogalvanic Spectroscopy of Molecules Conference
Towards a New Generation of DNA Chips Conference
A Proposed Experiment for Excitation of the Metastable Helium Atom (1 3S) to Doubly Excited States Conference
Thermodynamic parameters of L-asparaginase in organic amendments plant residues and forest litters Conference