
Conference Papers
Title DOI Date type
Impact of dilute sulfuric acid pre-treatment on the efficiency of dark hydrogen fermentation from bagasse Conference
Renewable resources for global energy demand an overview Conference
A study on solvent extraction separation of copper from sulfate synthetic bioleach solution using Chemorex CP-150 as the extractant Conference
Synthesis and Structure Studies of 4-Phenyl-3-Thiosemicarbazide Modified Magnetic Nanoparticles and Application in the Removal of Heavy Metal Ions Conference
synthesis and structure studies of 4-phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazide modified magnetic nanoparticles and application in the removal of heavy metal ions Conference
Enhancement of bioethanol and biogas production by NMMO pretreatment Conference
Acidic pretraetment to improve methane production from wheat plant under thermophilic anaerobic digestion using sulfuric acid Conference
Enhance methane production from wheat plant via thermophilic anaerobic digestion using sodium hydroxide Conference
Biological Treatment of wastewater contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) in continuous biofilm reactor Conference
Improvement of ethanol production from softwood by dissolution in N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMMO) Conference
Ionic liquid pretreatment for enhancement of ethanol production from waste wood Conference
Dilute acid hydrolysis of Russian pine wood for bioethanol production Conference
Dilute acid hydrolysis of sweet potato to enhance fermentable sugars Conference
Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic and Starchy Mixtures Conference
تعيين اجزاء بخش آلي زباله جامد شهري در كرج و تأثير آن بر پتانسيل توليد بيوگاز 10.22059/ijbse.2019.281155.665187 Journal
بررسي اثر اصلاح ساختاري فوم پلي يورتان با كربن فعال بر جذب آلاينده هاي نفتي از آب # Journal
ساخت آزمايشگاهي حسگر ميكربي اندازه گيري اكسيژن خواهي بيوشيميايي نمونه هاي پساب صنعتي # Journal
بررسي ت ثير پارامترهاي عملياتي بر عملكرد حسگر زيستي در اندازه گيري BOD # Journal
جذب زيستي يونهاي سرب از محلول آبي با استفاده از بيومس موكور اينديكوس مخمري شكل # Journal
بررسي نقش pH در حذف سرب از محلول هاي آبي توسط قارچ موكور اينديكوس # Journal