Parameterized Complexity of Decomposition Problems on Graphs
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Expanding Properties of Graphs and its Applications in Ramsey Theory
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On the size-Ramsey number of some sparse graphs
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The Structure of Claw-free Graphs and Their Edge Clique Covering
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Bounds on Some Variants of Clique Cover Numbers
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Nordhaus-Gaddum Inequalities for Sigma Clique Partition Number of Graphs
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Nordhaus-Gaddum Inequalities for sigma clique partition number of graphs
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Local Boolean Rank of Matrices and a new Bollobas-type inequality in Set Systems
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A variant of edge clique covering
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Algorithmic aspects of isoperimetric problems
Conference |
عدد رمزي اندازه اي چند رنگي مسيرها
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سنجش اولويت زوج مبدأ-مقصدهاي مختلف شبكه ي حمل ونقل جهت اشغال ظرفيت محورهاي ريلي، مطالعه ي موردي: شبكه ي ريلي ايران
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