
Conference Papers
Title Date type
A Linear Switching Control Approach for DC DC Converters Conference
A New Method for Detection of a Distributed Event in Wireless Sensor Networks Conference
A Distributed Method for Two Simultaneous Events Detection in WSNs Conference
Modeling and Compensation for Capacitive Pressure Sensor by RBF Neural Networks Conference
Development Depth Control and Stability Analysis of an Underwater Remotely Oprated Vehicle (ROV) Conference
Sub-Synchronous Resonance Damping in Series Compensated Transmission Lines Using a STATCOM in the Common Bus Conference
Neuro-Fuzzy Based Compensation Technique for Capacitive Pressure Sensor Conference
A Voltage Reference Design for Three-Phase Boost Inverter Conference
Improve Sub-Synchronous Resonance (SSR) Damping Using a STATCOM in the Transformer Bus Conference
Estimating Shaft Crack Specifications Using Shaft Vibration Analysis and Neural Networks Conference
Development of an Algorithm in Phi-Angle Approach for large Attitude Errors Conference
A New Three-Phase Boost Inverter Topology and Controller Conference
An MPPT Controller Design for Photovoltaic (PV) Systems Based on the Optimal Voltage Factor Tracking Conference
A Novel Modeling and Analysis of Capacitor-Clamped Multilevel Converters Conference
Simultaneous Operation of a PSS and a Series Power Electronics-Based Controller with Minimum Interaction Conference
Power Oscillation Damping Improvement by Means of a Feedback Linearized Solid State Series Controller Conference
A Nonlinear Control Approach to Increase Power Oscillations Damping by Means on the SSSC Conference
Power Oscilations Damping by Means of the SSSC A Multivariable Control Approach Conference
Exact Harmonics Elimination in PWM Multi-Module Converters Conference
Parameterize PRE-Compensator Design for Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) Conference