
Journal Papers
Title DOI Date type
Effect of processing parameters on microstructural and mechanical properties of aluminumSiO2 nanocomposites produced by spark plasma sintering # Journal
Surface characterization of incoloy 825 Ni-Based alloy/2507 super duplex stainless steel dissimilar friction stir welds(Article) # Journal
Effect of processing parameters on the microstructural and mechanical properties of aluminum-carbon nanotube composites produced by spark plasma sintering # Journal
Electron backscattered diffraction analysis of Friction Stir Processed nanocomposites produced via Spark Plasma Sintering # Journal
Development and characterization of Al/MWCNTAl2O3 hybrid composite by accumulative roll bonding # Journal
Wear Behavior of Al-Based Nanocomposites Reinforced with Bimodal Micro- and Nano-Sized Al2O3 Particles Produced by Spark Plasma Sintering # Journal
Electroless nickelphosphorus plating on WCCo powders using HVOF feedstock # Journal
Effect of Post-weld Heat Treatment on Joint Properties of Dissimilar Friction Stir Welded 2024-T4 and 7075-T6 Aluminum Alloys # Journal
Poly L lysine-modified PHBV based nanofibrous scaffolds for bone cell mineralization and osteogenic differentiation # Journal
Transient liquid phase (TLP) bonding of Ti-6Al-4V/UNS 32750 super duplex stainless steel 10.1016/j.jmapro.2018.05.014 Journal
Grain and texture evolution in nano/ultrafine-grained bimetallic Al/Ni composite during accumulative roll bonding # Journal
Development of Ultrahigh Strength TRIP Steel Containing High Volume Fraction of Martensite and Study of the Microstructure and Tensile Behavior # Journal
Improvement of Corrosion and Tribocorrosion Behavior of Pure Titanium by Sub0Zero Anodic Spark Oxidation # Journal
Effect of Al2O3 SiO2 and Carbon nanotubes on the microstructural and mechanical behavior of Spark Plasma Sintered Aluminum based nanocomposites # Journal
Comparison of Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Dual Phase Steel Welded Using Friction Stir Welding and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding # Journal
Comparison of Pulsed and Continuous Current Gas Tungsten Arc Welding in Dissimilar Welding between UNS S32750 and AISI 321 in Optimized Condition # Journal
Parametric Optimization of Pulsed Current Gas Arc Welding of Dissimilar Welding Between UNS32750 and AISI 321 Based on Taguchi Method # Journal
Characterization of Structure-Property Relationship of Incoloy 825 and SAF 2507 Dissimilar Welds # Journal
High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Nanostructured CoNiCrAlY-YSZ Coatings Produced by HVOF Thermal Spray Technique # Journal
Investigations on Dissimilar Weld of UNS S32205 DSS and ASTM A517 Steel # Journal